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I would like to thank Lair for getting this from RRU so I could work on it while RRU wouldn't work at my house, but now it's back here. :)

With this being Fan Fiction, it has nothing to do with the real Sonic Universe.

Our story begins on the planet Mobius, many years after the fall of the Eggman Empire and the disappearance of Eggman himself, life for Sonic and his friends turned very normal, even though Eggman still had his hidden robot factories around the planet, they never made robots as well as the ones Eggman made by hand. Even strager is that after Eggman disappeared, Shadow also disappeared, some thought that he might have left with Eggman, some thought G.U.N might have finaly got him, and other though he was just dead, but the truth was that nobody knew what to think.

And this is were our story begins...

One night, Amy was spending time at her house, when she got a knok at the door, and she went to open it. At that same time Sonic was at the house of his good friend, Miles (Tails) Prower.

Tails: Hey Sonic can you hand me that hammer?

Sonic: Ya sure, but you still haven't told me what this is, or why you need my help to make it.

Tails: Its a Chaos Portal, with a Emerald in the power generator it can send someone as far as the Ark.

Sonic: Oh you mean like...

At that time the phone started ringing.

Tails: Oh Sonic can you get that?

Sonic: Ya ya, I need to get you everything anyways. Hello?

Amy: S-Sonic is that you?

Sonic: Amy? Whats wrong, you sound scared.

Amy: Well, (sigh) you won't believe who’s here.

Sonic: What? Who's there?

Amy: Shadow...

With this in mind, Sonic ran out of Tails's house.

Amy: H-here's the tea you wanted Shadow.

Shadow: Why thank you Amy, its good to know I'm welc...

Before Shadow could finish what he was saying, Sonic broke through the window.

Sonic: Shadow!

Shadow: Ah Sonic, just who I was going to look for next.

Sonic: So you were going to go look for me, what for, do you want to fight?

Shadow: No, I would like to apologize for that way I have acted towards you and your friends.

Sonic: ...Really?

Shadow: Yes, and I would also like to tell you where I've been for the past 3 months.

As Shadow told his story, Sonic and Amy listened.

Shadow: You see, for the last 3 months, I have been on the Ark, I've been watching old recordings of Maria and Gerald, I'd still be there if G.U.N hadn't forced me away, after that I didn't know were to go.

Amy: So you thought you could stay here?

Shadow: Yes, thats exactly it.

Amy: Oh you poor thing, being forced out of your own home.

Sonic: Um Amy, can I talk to you for a moment?

Amy: Um, ok?

Sonic: Amy, are you crazy, don't you remember that he's tried to kill us at multiple occasions?

Amy: Sonic I know you are concerned, but we need to give him a chance.

Sonic: Well I don't like it, but we can give him a chance.

Amy: Thank you Sonic, come on Shadow, I'll show you to the guest room.

As Sonic watched them leave the room, he still had a very uneasy feeling in his stomach, he decided to leave before he would say something we might regret. For that next few days, Shadow lived with Amy.

Two weeks later. As Shadow entered Amy's house one night.

Shadow: Why is it so dark in here? *turns the lights on*

All: Surprise!

Shadow: Ha, whats all this?

Amy: Well, you’ve been here for about two weeks, and you’ve been so nice to everyone, we thought we would throw you a little surprise party.

Shadow: Oh, well thats very nice of you.

Knuckles: Now that we've got the explanation out of the way, let’s get this party started!

Cream: Mr. Shadow I made you this flower crown.

Shadow: Oh, why thank you Cream, I think I'll wear it now.

Sonic stood near the snack table, watching, thinking to himself untill Knuckles walked over to check on him.

Sonic: It’s disgusting.

Knuckles: Hmm… What is?

Sonic: What Shadow's doing, he's fooling everybody.

Knuckles: Why would you say that, he's acting pretty calm.

Sonic: That’s what I’m talking about, last time he saw him, he wasn’t the least bit calm, he’s up to something, I just know it.

Knuckles: Are you sure you’re not just jealous?

Sonic: Jealous, of what?

Knuckles: Well he’s stealing all the attention and people are starting to ask him to help them instead of you.

Sonic: I'm not jealous, I'm going home, you can worship Shadow if you want.

Knuckles: Well bye.

Sonic left the party, with more on his mind then before. The rest of the guests left about 2 hours later, and after Shadow and Amy cleaned up the party they got ready for bed.

Amy: Did you like the party Shadow?

Shadow: Yes I enjoyed it very much, and I liked the presents everyone gave me.

Amy: Well I still need to give you my present.

As Amy said this, she move closer and closer to Shadow.

Shadow: Um, Amy, what are you…

And Shadow got a present that his lips wouldn't forget. After Amy removed her lips from his, he stood there in the hall, motionless, thinking about what had just occurred.

Amy: Goodnight Shadow.♥

Shadow: Ha, ha ya, goodnight.

That night Shadow laid there in his bed thinking to himself.

Shadow: *That kiss, it felt so gentle, so loving, could this effect my plans, no what am I saying, it’s not like I have feelings for her, do I?*

Shadow thought this over again and again throughout the night, the last person to kiss him was Maria, and that was more then 50 years ago. So for the next few days, Shadow didn't talk to Amy that much, for that kiss wouldn't leave his mind, he mostly tried to avoid her, helping his new found friends, destroying Eggmans old factories, but it still wouldn't leave his mind, at some moments this troubled him. But one night he decided to ask her about it.

Shadow: Um, Amy?

Amy: Hm, yes Shadow?

Shadow: About that kiss,...your the first person to kiss me in 50 years, and well...

Amy: And it made you feel uncomfortable?

Shadow: No no, the complete opposite actually, I think I like you.

This was very strange to hear, Amy didn't think her kiss would do this, and she didn't know what to say to him.

Amy: Oh well...thank you, but I love Sonic and it wouldn't work out for us.

Shadow: Oh ok, I guess you like chasing a man that doesn’t love you back.

Amy: What are you talking about, Sonic loves me, he just shows it differently, like when he use to save me from danger.

Shadow: The only reason he saves you is so everyone will think he’s a hero.

Amy: What, but he would never do that, Sonic’s better then that!

Shadow: No he isn’t, he’s an attention hog, and every time he’s saved you, has he ever stayed with you to see if you were ok, or has he just ran away?

At this point Amy started to cry, she couldn't handle what Shadow was saying to her.

Amy: Your wrong, why are you doing this,why!

Shadow: Amy, Amy, it's ok, calm down, I'm here.

As Amy cried, she fell into Shadow’s arm, and he comforted her.

Amy: Your right, everytime he's saved me, the first thing he always did was run away.

Shadow: Come on Amy, its getting late, so lets get you to bed.

Amy: Shadow, will you stay in my room and keep me company tonight?

Shadow: Sure I will.

As Shadow brought Amy to her room, he felt satisfied with how easy it really was to mess with her feelings towards Sonic; everything was going according to plan. A few months later, we find ourselves at Tails’ house.

Sonic: Hey Tails have you noticed anything weird about Amy?

Tails: Amy, weird, doesn’t sound like anything new.

Sonic: No, it’s just that, I’ve noticed that she’s gained a little weight in the last few months.

Tails: Really, you think she’s gained some weight, well then, I guess I didn’t notice.

Sonic: How did you not notice, she’s been wearing bigger clothes for weeks now.

While Sonic and Tails were talking, Cosmo brought Tails his lunch.

Cosmo: Here you go Tails.

Tails: Oh thank you Cosmo.

Cosmo: I couldn’t help but to hear your conversation, but is it possible that Amy might be pregnant?

Sonic quickly reacted to this.

Sonic: WHAT, you crazy plant, there is no way Amy could be pregnant!

Tails: Hey you don’t need to yell at Cosmo!

Sonic: I can yell at whoever I want to!

Tails: Not in my house you can’t!

Sonic: Fine, then I’m leaving!

As Sonic stormed out of the house he slammed the door, braking one of its hinges.

Sonic: Great, everyone’s turning against me, first Knuckles, now Tails and Cosmo, this is all Shadow’s fault, everything was great until he came back, I’d like to deck that jerk!

As Sonic ran the rest of the day he got madder and madder at Shadow. But he eventually calmed down and took some time to think in the cool night air of Green Hill Zone. About a week later, Amy and Shadow were holding a big BBQ at their house.

Knuckles: Hey Sonic, I’m surprised to actually showed up, I’m glad I didn’t make that bet with Tails.

Sonic: You guys made a bet?

Tails: Just a small one, but Knuckles never agreed to it.

Knuckles: I didn’t agree to it because I don’t have 20 dollars.

Sonic: Hey Tails, where’s Cosmo, I want to apologize to her.

Tails: Oh she’s over there talking to Cream.

Sonic: Thanks.

A few minutes after Sonic talked to Cosmo, Shadow and Amy walked out of the house to give an announcement.

Shadow: Is everybody having a good time?

All: Yeah!

Shadow: Good cause there’s something we have to tell you, Amy would you like to do the honors?

Amy: Thanks Shadow, everyone, I would like to tell you that I’m pregnant.

Shadow: And we’re getting married.

All: *gasp*

This was all very shocking, Amy is pregnant, and she’s marrying Shadow? For awhile the crowd was silent. Vector decided to break the silences with clapping.

Espio: Vector, Don’t sa…

Vector: You’re having a wedding, that’s wonderful!

Charmy: I just love weddings!

Espio: I suppose it would be useless to tell you to keep your mouth shut.

Espio was right, nobody really heard him, others also started clapping, but Sonic was still shocked, he stood there like a statue, even after the others went to talk with Shadow and Amy, he still stood there, motionless, until he ran off.

Vector: Hey Shadow, your going to need music at the wedding, lucky for you the Chaotix can play for ya!

Espio: We don’t know the first thing about wedding music.

Vanilla: Come on girls we need to take Amy shopping, you can’t have a wedding without a wedding dress.

Knuckles: Dude, we’re going to throw you the greatest bachelor party ever.

A week later, exactly two day before the wedding, and three months before Amy’s pregnancy ends, Sonic was at Club Rouge, sitting at the bar, feeling depressed.

Rouge: Hey there blue boy, what are you doing here, and what’s with the long face?

Sonic: Oh nothing Rouge just kind of mad that Amy agreed to marry Shadow, I mean, how could she even do that?

As Sonic said this, Rouge cleaned a class and make Sonic a drink.

Rouge: Here Sonic, you look like you need a drink, go on take it, it’s on the house.

Sonic: Thanks Rouge.

As Sonic took a sip, Rouge turned her head and thought to herself, then what seemed like minutes, she turned to Sonic and told him something.

Rouge: Hey Sonic, remember when Shadow came back?

Sonic: Ya I remember, what about it?

Rouge: Well, there a problem with his story.

Sonic: And what would that be?

Rouge: G.U.N hasn’t been on the Ark in two years.

When Sonic heard this, he dropped the glass on the counter, spilling it, and almost choked on the liquids in his mouth.

Sonic: *coughing * what, what did you just say?

Rouge: G.U.N hasn’t been of the Ark in two years, there’s no way he could have been forced off the Ark if he was only there for three months.

Sonic: Wait, why didn’t you tell anyone?

Rouge: Well, I thought it would be easy to figure out.

Sonic: We’re not all agents fo, you know what never mind I need to go.

Sonic dashed out of the bar at top speed passing every car around him, he finally stopped when he got Tails' house.

Sonic: Tails, wake up, I need to use your new machine!

A light went on in the house as a window opened; Tails stuck his head out the window, looking very tired.

Tails: Quite down out there, Cosmo still asleep!

Sonic: I need to use the transporter your building.

Tails: I don’t care what you need to use, do have any idea what time it is?

Sonic: But it’s an emergency!

Tails: Ok, ok, you can come inside, just quite down!

Tails came down to the first floor and let Sonic into his house, Sonic immediately started explaining what he’d figured out about Shadow’s plan.

Tails: You’ve gone crazy.

Sonic: No I haven’t, now are you going to finish that machine or should I try?

Tails: Fine, I’ll finish it, but I’ll need a chaos emerald to power it.

Sonic: Ok, I’ll go look for one.

As Sonic ran out of the house Tails locked the front door.

Tails: Now that he’s gone, I can get back to…

As Tails walked into the hallway he saw Cosmo standing infront of him.

Tails: Cosmo, I thought you were sleeping.

Cosmo: I was, but then I noticed you weren’t next to me, you are going to finish that for Sonic, right?

Tails: No, he’s gone crazy; why should I waste my time helping him.

Cosmo: Because he’s been your best friend for years, are you really going to let this ruin that?

Tails stood there for at least 5 minutes, just thinking to himself.

Tails: Ok Cosmo, I’ll do it.

He kissed Cosmo on the cheek and got to work, Sonic returned sometime later with the yellow Chaos Emerald.

Sonic: Found on, it was stuck in the side of a cliff, so is that done yet?

Tails: Almost, just to let you know, this is a one-way transporter, you’ll need to find your own way back.

Sonic: That’s fine by me, now lets fire it up.

Tails puts the Chaos Emerald into its holder and a start up the machine, in a flash of light Sonic was gone.

Cosmo: So where did you send him?

Tails: He asked me to send him to the Space Colony Ark.

After 2 day, it was the day of the wedding; Amy was sitting in her room getting her hair and makeup done by Cosmo and Cream. Vanilla opened the door.

Vanilla: The guests are arriving Amy, oh, don’t you look beautiful.

Amy: Did Sonic show up yet?

Vanilla: Amy darling, you shouldn’t be thinking about other men on your own wedding.

Amy: Just tell me, did he?

Vanilla: No, he didn’t.

Amy: Well then, I guess Sonic couldn’t get over himself, so what, his loss.

Outside the guests were chatting with each other; Shadow was talking with Knuckles, when suddenly a portal opened up at the end of the red carpet, Silver and Blaze walked out of the portal, even though the wedding was a formal event, they were dressed as normal as ever.

Shadow: What are you 2 doing here; I don’t recall putting any invitation in a time capsule.

Blaze: Well Silver insisted that…

Silver: We just came here to see the wedding.

Shadow: Ok, that fine.

After about 15 minutes Amy walked out of her house is a slimming dress, ready for her wedding, once she got to the front they wedding started with Knuckles being the one to marry them off.

Knuckles: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Amy Rose and Shadow the hedgehog in holy matrimony, if there…

Big: Whats that up in the sky?

Big pointed up at the sky to reveal that a ball of fire was ripping through the clouds above.

E-123 Omega: Analyzing... point of impact confirmed, all guests in rows 4-5 should evacuate the area immediately.

People started moving as fast as they could, and it wasn’t long before the unknown object crashed into the rows.

Mighty: What the heck is it?

As the smoke started to clear, Omega started scanning it.

E-123 Omega: Scanning… scanning complete, object matches escape pods found on the Space Colony Ark, pod contains a multi-celled life form.

As the smoke finished clearing, the window on the pod revealed it to be full of smoke. Silver stepped out of the crowd.

Silver: Stand aside; I’ll pull the glass off with my psychokinesis.

Silver holds out his hands and rips the grass off the pod without touching it. He places the grass down as a figure leaps out of the pod and land behind the crowd.

Sonic: Sorry I’m late guys, but there was something I had to do first.

Sonic had a serious tone in his voice.

Amy: Sonic, you made it to my wedding! ♥

Sonic: Amy, I can’t let you marry Shadow!

Amy: Why not?

Sonic: Because, it’s just going to help his master plan!

Amy: What plan?

Sonic: He’s only using you to get the child, once that’s accomplished he can use the combined chaos energy from 2 wielders to operate the eclipse cannon without the chaos emeralds!

The crowd grew silent as everybody looked at Shadow, he suddenly leaped out of the crowd and rammed Sonic into a tree.

Shadow: You b******, how dare you read Professor Gerald’s secret plans!

This Fan Fiction isn't finished yet, once it is finshed I'll re-write it to look like a real story, I'll ask for the all posts to be deleted and I'll turn this into a poll topic. (Contains some swears)

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You might want to look for mistakes next time.

pretty good

Grammar mistakes fixed, you hypocrite.

Anyway... Nothing Against You, But I Couldn't Get Interested, I Just Don't Like Sonic

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Argh. What is it with people here and grammar?! (addict, you wouldn't say "I do like you are story so far") (this is just ironically funny)

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Look this leads up to Shadows real plan, I can't tell you what that is right now, but it will be great, or stupid, or whatever you will think of it.

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You mean Grammar mistakes?

Nice beginning Shadow!

Let's get technical, shall we? ;)

Anyway, I never really was much of a Sonic fan, and I have no idea who any of these characters are, but it is a nice beginning. Good job.

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Seeing how my computer will let me on RRU again, I can start this up again.

Lair was able to get it to the Fan Fic site, so I was able to correct some things.

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You mean "Whip".

Thanks, I can never remember that theres an h in it. :af:

did you really have to correct him on that

YES HE DID, now mind your own beezwax. -.-

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