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hypothetical RR-themed (and general Lego) video game covers


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After watching the Star Wars Kinect Video on Cinemassacre.com (some of you may know the AVGN) I thought:
"A game, where you can do different things like dancing etc.? Okay, maybe the games itself aren't half bad, but what has Star Wars to do with dancing?"

My next thought was: "What other game/ film/ book etc. has the potential to make a ton of Off Topic games out of it?"
As a RRU-member I naturally had to choose Rock Raiders and I wrote down some titles, which where for the most part parodies of other games titles..

...and one of the examples was Caffeine Hero. Why? I don't know. I probably remembered the South Park episode with "Guitar Hero" and the two parodies "Heroin Hero" and "Rehab Hero".
I know, that Sandwich Hero would be way to obvious. Therefore I took something sophisticated Sparks' addiction to coffee and made this crazy video game cover.

Q: That's crazy/ pure madness/ insanity etc.!
A: Of course it is. Did you expect something sane?

I hope, that answered all your questions ;)


PS: I will try to make other Rock Raiders themed video game covers, too, but I had to start somewhere and I thought, that Caffeine was a good (or "good") idea to begin with.


Sparks' Caffeine Hero







Another hypothetical game with an imaginary background story:

"Talking about controversial video games in the Lego world:
Developed by Heretic Brick, "Elbows&Knees" was the first game, which depicted minifigures with actual elbow and knee joints. Angry mobs, moral outrages and panics followed shortly after.
It was also the first game, which got the "HI"-raring, because of its content, which challenged a taboo in the minifigure world."

Q: Wait... ...this game got an actual rating and an official release, although it almost lead to collapses of several Lego minilands? The whole story is bogus!
A: Of course! Sanity has no place in the Lego world. The background story is based on absolutely nothing on reliable sources.



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If there was a game called Caffeine Hero, I would naturally have to play it.


This a great just like the comics, can't wait for more!

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In response to my blog post, aidenpons said I will be drinking coffee to the point of over-addiction studying for the Security+ exam. If that may be, this might as well be the agent to do so. At least I know where the coffee addiction stems from. :P

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Yay, it's great, that you liked my first game cover :D. I will try to improve them and come up with even crazier/ more stupid ideas like the second one, which I made today:


How would minifigures react to a game, which depicts actual elbow and knee joints?


PS: It's not based on Rock Raiders, but least it stays in the Lego world xD. Maybe I will make another RR game cover next time.

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