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LEGO Racers 2 Custom Sound Effects


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In this tutorial, I will be showing you how to make custom sound effects (SFX) in LEGO Racers 2 or LEGO Drome Racers. This tutorial is very easy, and will not take more than 10 minutes. Do note this following steps recreate the original audio format exactly. It may be possible that certain steps are not required.


  • LEGO Racers 2 or LEGO Drome Racers, since this tutorial works in both. However, I will be using LEGO Racers 2 for the tutorial.
  • >UNGTC for extracting/compressing GAMEDATA.GTC
  • The newest release of Audacity (I am doing these steps on Windows, other platforms should be similar). You can use any other audio editor as long as it supports the required file format.
  • List of sound file names you want to change. I am going to be modding the files SELECT.AIF and HORIZONT.AIF, located at
  • Some sounds to serve as replacements for the originals. I am using the Windows 8 sounds tada.wav and chord.wav from

Got all the items? Good, let's get started!


  • Extract GAMEDATA.GTC using UNGTC, and browse to the GAME DATASOUNDSFRONT END directory when it is done. I recommend making a new folder entitled Vanilla Files ("Vanilla" meaning clean, unedited), moving GAMEDATA.GTC, COMPRESS.INF, and FILELIST.INF into it in addition to copying the newly extracted files into it as a backup. You will have to move the first three files to a different place to recompress anyway, so now is a good time to go ahead and do that.
  • While that is going on (or if you have done it already), open Audacity, and import the audio. In this image I have imported tada.wav.


  • For this step, you get to choose which action to take. The original game SFX uses 22050 Hz audio, but the engine also supports 44100 Hz audio, which allows for your sounds to be of higher quality. If you want to recreate the original audio format exactly or your audio is not already 22050 or 44100 Hz, follow the steps below, substituting your desired value. Otherwise, if your audio is already in one of those frequencies, skip down to step 4.
    • Change the Project Hertz (Hz) drop down menu from 44100 to 22050.
      Select all your audio (<Ctrl + a>), go to Tracks>Resample, select 22050 in the resulting dialog, and press OK.
  • resample.png

  • With all the audio still selected, select Tracks>Stereo Track to MonoThis is an important step! The game will crash if you attempt to use Stereo audio.


  • You may need to turn up the volume of the SFX a tad depending on the volume of the audio. Do this by moving the arrow in the track settings on the left toward the plus sign. For tada.wav, I needed to turn it up nine (+9) dB.


  • With the audio attributes in place, select File>Export.
  • Select AIFF (Apple) signed 16 bit PCM from the Save as type: drop down menu, and name the audio according to the original file name (in this case, SELECT.AIF), giving it the .AIF extension. Save it to your Desktop, or other easy-to-access location. You will get a box asking if you really want to save using that particular extension. Click Yes. This happens because AIFF audio is usually saved with the .aiff extension instead of .AIF. ;)



  • Either rename the original audio files in GAME DATA (what a coincidence LEGO Racers uses the same folder name but without the space...) to something that helps you identify it is an original file (SELECT.original.AIF, for example) then copy/move the new files in its place, or you could have exported straight to Program Files. I usually copy/move to bypass Administrator rights errors and have a "holding pen" if I can't test the mod right then.
  • Repeat steps 4 - 9 for HORIZONT.AIF.
  • If all went well, you have successfully created your very own LEGO Racers 2 Custom Sound FX mod! :D


Both the proof-of-concept video for this tutorial and very first SFX mod for this game.


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"Version 3" of the tutorial has been completed. "V2" contained updates to important steps and Drome Racers support, while "V3" gives steps on using 44100Hz audio instead of 22050, allowing for higher quality sound FX (thanks for the tip, Xiron!) There should be one more revision soon, this time dealing with Stereo to Mono conversion.

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  • 4 years later...

It's fun to replace and it's fun to add in sound fx into the game doing the same process  (just replacing sfx already in the game files) and scripting the sounds later on. However I thought of taking that step higher by adding in a Robot actor. We already have male, female, alien, Rama and the berg but I wanna see robots ? so my question is outa curiosity would that be a possibility to add different types of characters with different actor sounds

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