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Lego Youtube Poop


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Repetition, especially involving speeding up, slowing down, and reversing, is generally seen as AIDS (don't do it). As is the WTFBomb, which I was about to commend you for not using at the arctic scene but then the ending ruined it. And you couldn't even hide your mouse cursor or the fraps FPS in your LEGO Island footage. Disappointing. I'm sure there's a few salvageable things but it would take too much detail to narrow them out.

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Alright, unlike lair I don't make ytp's, but I've been watching all kinds since 06, so I think I have a good enough knowledge to provide some critique. First off, unlike lair I never found the stutter too bad, you actually handled that nicely. The memes, though, definitely have to go. Another thing- it may be personal preference, but I'd have liked to see the earrape bits turned up a bit.

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