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LRS Files


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I'd thought I'd post this for the sake of knowledge.

The two(more if you count the one in each language folder) LRS files (QBUILD/DEFAULT) in MENUDATA are quite simply save games. You can in fact replace your normal save game file with either and the game will work fine... and you'll get the racers that come with them.

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Amazing. Imagine the uses. Create a Racers overhaul mod, make a Racer that matches the mod, place it in this folder, and who ever installs it will have that racer by default. Perfect. :D

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lol username

Those are some seriously strange minifigures they made for the quick build cars. I guess they just never expected people to see them?


This one is easily my favorite... xD

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  • 1 year later...
Car CrazeXVI

I've had this for awhile… and I have no intention of ever touching it again so you can haz.

Explanation by adress

Adr.	What it is		Type		Notes
2	Cars Stored 		Hexadecimal	Deleted cars do not count.
5	Car Sets Unlocked 	Binary		VV's car set does not include her figure.
6	Circuits Completed 	Binary		This starts at 1, not 0. Although possible, circuits 0 and 7 will never be marked as "completed" (1)
7	Time Trails Completed 	Binary		If you complete all the TTs, you will unlock VV's figure, but not her car.
8	Time Trails Completed 	Binary		This will never go above 0F
127/7F	Anti-Cheating Measure	Hexadecimal	Start with 22 and add the vaulues of hex found at 2 and 5-8. (See below for examples)
847/34F	Cars in Single Race 	Hexadecimal	Linked
868/364	Unknown			Unknown		Linked
870/366	Laps in Versus Race	Unknown		Linked
874/36A	Unknown			Unknown		Linked
878/36E	Unkbown			Unknown		Linked
895/37F	Unknown 		Unknown		Linked
896/380	Unknown			Unknwon		I give up.

	5  6  7  8  127
Bonus:	FF 00 FF 0F 2F (All car sets)
	FF 7E FF 0F AD (All everything)
	00 00 FF 0F 30/B0 (Time Trail stuff)
Modified: Monday, July 14, 2014, 8:54:06 PM

"Linked" means that it will change with anything else marked as "Linked"

I wish tabs would work in posts, but this is good enough I guess…


Edit: Wow, those spelling errors that went right over my head. :whistle:

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  • 4 months later...

Hahaha . . . this is great . . . I used Rocket Racer for the whole game . . . without beating it first. o.o
If you use QBUILD.LRS as LEGORac1, all the car sets are unlocked, but the circuits aren't!

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