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Every Command/Response game on this site has died so far, because the original one was the only truly serious one. So I might as well try to be serious.

I will post bits of a story with a character, and you must provide a command for that character.

Don't be boring. Try to throw in randomness. But, don't be stupid. Try to be logical when it is needed.

Any command suffices, but the results might be...odd.


  • Make posts as a command. Write in full, descriptive sentences. Replies like "do that" will be ignored.
  • Don't make posts just to reply to someone else's commands. If there is an issue I will adress it.
  • If you want to give a command that is random/funny, do so, but use good sense.

Make a command post like this:

This is your command.

This is your second command if you have more.

This is a question, if you have one to ask (ARE YOU DONE WITH THAT MAP YET?)

You have concluded that you exist. However, everything is dark.

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[i never played this before, please awnser if it was good enough]

swing around with your hands to feel the envi.

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[Preferred if you used proper English]

Swing your hands around to feel the environment.

You move your left hand weakly and feel some metal object. You're laying on your right hand

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Get up.

You weakly push yourself up. You feel something heavy on your back slide off and hit something loudly. You still can not see, but you've managed to get up on your knees.

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Feel around on the floor for that object.

You feel around behind you. There is a long, lightweight metal object.

Get up on your feet and start feeling around the walls for a light switch.

You get on your feet and start shaking. You'd rather not stumble around for a light switch, but you're wondering if it's actually dark.

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Look around. See what fell off your back.

You are in a small room filled with pipes and control panels, several of which are broken. The lights in the room are also either exploded or dim. The objects on your back were supports falling from the ceiling. Another man is underneath them.

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Check his pockets. Monaaaaaay.

You're not sure if you should, but you decide to check anyway, in case he has any personal information that might tell you what is going on.

Examining his suit, you see it's a yellow and white outfit, with several pockets filled with various tools and wires. He has several electronic devices on his belt, and a wallet and handkerchief in some other pockets.

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Check the wallet. The rest you have no clue what it is.

You pull out his wallet and open it. There seem to be some various papers with random things written on them that you can't read.

You notice a device on his belt. It resembles an ID card.

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(Oh my god this is really spess. I am going to crap myself if you leave the room and then a clown sprints by)

Read the ID card.

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Read the ID card.

You are unable to make out any useful info on the card. It appears to be highly electronic.

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Connect it with the random electric stuff in the guys pockets.

There doesn't appear to be anything that can connect with it.

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