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Launch Rock Raiders Directly Into A Level


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LEGO Rock Raiders has an inbuilt executable parameter to launch the game directly into a game level. This function would have been used to debug levels when the game was in development. If you want to start the game into a level without having to navigate the menu, this tutorial will show you.

Disable the front end

You will first need to disable the game's front end. Firstly open the file 'Lego.cfg' located in LegoRR1. In the 'Main' block at the start of the file, scroll down till you find the setting called "FrontEnd" and change its value from "TRUE" to "FALSE". Save the file then re-build LegoRR1.wad if you need to.


In order for this to work you must create a shortcut to 'LegoRR.exe' which is located in the Rock Raiders install directory. Once you have created it, right click on it and go to Properties. In the 'Target' text field add this to the end after the closing quote.

-startlevel Levels::Level01
"Level01" in the above code is the level you want to start. You can change this to "Level02", "Level03" etc... to start different levels. Batch File With the shortcut above, you may find it annoying to have to change it for each level. There is a better way to do it using batch files which will allow a user to enter the level number. Firstly create a new file in the Rock Raiders install directory, call it 'StartLevel.bat'. Make sure the file extension is '.bat' or this will not work. Open the file in notepad and paste this code:
set /p level= Enter the level you wish to start:
LegoRR.exe -startlevel Levels::Level%level%[/code]

Save the file and that's it! Note that if the level number is below 10 you must put a 0 in front of the number for the batch file to work.

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Thanks Cyrem! I was trying to get this to work with absolutely no luck at all. I would never have thought to disable the front end.

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