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Debug Keys?


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The list is on the wiki, link here: http://www.rockraidersunited.org/wiki/index.php?title=Debug_Keys

Also, look what I found in the Holding Yard:

[table=Debug Key List]

Shortcut Keys Key Affect [td=50%][A] [/td][td=50%]Creates landslide at mouse pointer.[/td] [td=50%][D] [/td][td=50%]Instantly loose level.[/td] [td=50%][E] [/td][td=50%]Makes a monster emerge from the wall at mouse pointer except solid rock.[/td] [td=50%][F] [/td][td=50%]Take 40 points off health of any equipment selected.[/td] [td=50%][H] [/td][td=50%]Creates a spiderweb at mouse pointer in a tunnel 1 tile wide.[/td] [td=50%][J] [/td][td=50%]Creates Electric Fence at mouse pointer.[/td] [td=50%][L] [/td][td=50%]Instantly exit level.[/td] [td=50%][M] [/td][td=50%]Turns music on/off.[/td] [td=50%][O] [/td][td=50%]Lower oxygen level.[/td] [td=50%][R] [/td][td=50%]Makes cursor light "dance" with movement. [/td] [td=50%] [/td][td=50%]Turns sound on/off.[/td] [td=50%][X] [/td][td=50%]Move right in 1st person.[/td] [td=50%][Y] [/td][td=50%]Create Energy crystal in far left corner of map.[/td] [td=50%][Z] [/td][td=50%]Makes Rock Raider eat sandwich and move left in first person, shakes screen in 3rd person.[/td] [td=50%][5] [/td][td=50%]Makes cursor light grow/shrink.[/td] [td=50%][6] [/td][td=50%]Effects the cursor light in some way.[/td] [td=50%][Numpad 3] [/td][td=50%]Destroys any rock at mouse pointer except border rock.[/td] [td=50%][Numpad 7] [/td][td=50%]Instantly set game speed at max.[/td] [td=50%][Numpad 8] [/td][td=50%]Set game speed lower.[/td] [td=50%][Numpad 9] [/td][td=50%]Set game speed higher.[/td] [td=50%][End] [/td][td=50%]Will turn the power on/off of any building selected.[/td] [td=50%][Del] [/td][td=50%]Destroys any rock at mouse pointer except border rock.[/td] [td=50%][F6] [/td][td=50%]Turns fallin mode on/off. [/td] [td=50%][F11] [/td][td=50%]Disable all building and vehicle pre-requests. [/td] [td=50%][F12] [/td][td=50%]Disable Mission Objective[/td] [td=50%][shift] + [/td][td=50%]Pushes any Rock Raider at mouse pointer left[/td] [td=50%][shift] + [/td][td=50%]Chief suddenly hangs down from the radar with his mouth moving.[/td] [td=50%][Ctrl] + [F] [/td][td=50%]Turns frame rate monitor on/off. [/td] [td=50%][Ctrl] + [G] [/td][td=50%]Turns memory monitor on/off. [/td] [td=50%][Ctrl] + [/td][td=50%]Instantly win level.[/td] [/table]
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Or, if he can't unpack the WADs due to some minor error that won't be explained for three pages' worth of posts, he can use the Parameter Manager to enable the debug keys.

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