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Where do Energy Crystals come from?


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LordZakida: I bet they DO grow like fruit

Or.... potatoes, maybe considering they grow undergound.

Think about it. The population of Planet U feeds off of energy crystals, right? Then they can't simply grow like minerals do on earth, because that would take too long. They would need to grow much faster... Maybe like how Tiberium grows. Otherwise there wouldn't be enough food for the planet.

Anonymouse: Hmm... Planet U probably has high volcanic activity lower down in the ground, making igneous rocks which contain crystals. These are forced up, and smashed by Rock Monsters.

That's only my theory though.

TheEPICdtr: Or because planet u has different gravity and air content and temperature maybe the lava can cool just as fast but with bigger energy crystals. Or maybe the surrounding ground is cooler then the lava and the lava can clump up under the surface and are growing energy crystals all the time!

Retsnom Kcor: Maybe there's some other creature that creates energy crystals.... Like it has the reverse effect of a Slimy Slug: instead of draining a crystal of it's energy, it somehow feeds energy into crystals......

Baz: I assume...since it's a crystal...that it's just a typical formation. It could be Organic...which is why it would yield so much power...you know...a bunch of tiny organisms converting things into energy like food?

rockmodder: maybe they're some kind of decomposed organism..like oil or gas, which would explain why there is fluid in them..?

Lair of Rockwhales: They grown by strange monsters at a giant recharge seam at the planet's core and distributed by lava.

they form those 5 point crystals from the energy deposit. When they are bored they compress one and make a red crystal.

And if RRs found one he would blow them up.

sonic322: The energy crystals could be like plants.

They grow to much and they turn into energy crystal seams.

They grow even bigger and they turn into recharge seams.

LordZakida: The crystal has energy stored inside of it, and melting (or whatevering) it releases said energy. Basically, it's a release of potential energy. I suppose it could be considered fossil fuel, considering it IS mined from the ground.

Anonymouse: the energy is extracted from them some other way, which reduces their bright green glow to a dull purple one.

LordZakida: It's a crystal, for pete's sake. Crystals can be charged with energy. It's like nature's battery.

theextractor: so the recharge seams must be some kind of electrified stone. Also, the Rock Monsters eat energy crystals which would explain the glowing eyes.

Anonymouse: Yes. But not necessarily electrified, more like energy-packed.

Sciguy: All the rrs have to do is figure out how to extract a recharge seam from the walls, teleport it up to the LMS Explorer, and hook it up to the power systems. Then they'll have unlimited energy.

Shadow322: Wrong they come from energy cystal seams on planet U!

Lair of Rockwhales: My theory more explained: Monsters were once intelligent until an event several thousand years ago (Perhaps when their parent star became a red giant it sent their civilization into confusion). One Species remained Intelligent, The Crystal Makers, who live at the very core of Planet U, near a recharge seam about 500 miles across. They take energy and form it into a 5-point crystal, and sometimes they compress 5 down into one (a red crystal) They can make other types but choose not to. Then they send the crystals up through volcanic shafts. these monsters are about 26 feet tall and look like they have energy flowing through them (notes down idea for RtPU) They can actualy speak the Rock Raider's language and can build advanced structures. Only the King of Planet U is almost as inteligent, but usualy he just roars and eats those who disobey him. I will add some concept art later. As for the energy crystals, they can grow once they are sent up from the Crystal Maker's workshop. They may get energy from recharge seams or other unknown things. Crystals can grow by themselves but it takes much longer, though not as long as normal minerals because they are energized. for an unknown reason they still grow into their 5-point shapes. (someone know why?)

That is where they come from.

Off topic: Planet U is probably in the Andromeda Galaxy, the one 2.3 million lightyears away, so with super-warp speeds and wormholes, it won't be hard to get there.

They can be made naturaly, it just takes 15.2 times longer...

If no one is going to contribute any more, I will add this info to the ECs on RRU Wiki

That is everything important from the old topic: http://forums.rockraidersunited.org/topic/1897479/

Any more Ideas? Because this is going on RRU Wiki.

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*facepalm* THE CRYSTAL MAKERS!!!! They are real!!! They make the Crystals near the core!!! It is the only way they could form so quickly. Besides, there is already too much info created for them...

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^ Don't facepalm unless the Crystal Makers are proven canon. It makes you look condescending (lol hypocrite). As far as I know they're just speculated to exist to explain why crystals are created so quickly, which is also speculation because those crystals could have been there for hundreds of years.

If you want an example of a quick-growing crystal, I think quartz grows fast compared to others. I know it's one of the most abundant minerals on earth, along with feldspar. Quartz and Energy Crystals even look similar.

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...Well, there are not a lot of recharge seams. Where do all those ones in the walls come from?

And what do they grow from?

Monsters making Cystals at the core is just as resonable if not more than any other idea

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Because in their ancient civilization when they were intelligent they honored them as gods who fed them so they could live. After the Red Giant stage of their star came and their civilization collapsed they still made them for food.

At any rate, the energy crystals come from the lava, coming from the core, proving there must be a giant RSeam or something.

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lol. Is that what young RMs learn in school? :D

ON-TOPIC: I don't think so Lair... I guess I'll just leave you to it though, as you've already stated your true opinion to be otherwise in another topic, and I'll go with you only using the "Crystal Makers" as a concept for RtPU.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm thinking that there is a giant recharge seam in the center surrounded by molten materials. The intense heat and pressure cause special crystals to form. These crystals grow on the surface of the giant recharge seam, which the crystals absorb some energy from. The crystals break off the surface of the giant recharge seam and are carried up into the caverns by volcanic and seismic activity.

(Sounds scientific enough to be true, don't it?)

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Here is a new theory:

All of the energy crystals were formed when the planed was made. Like on earth. Rare earth metals.

Give me a little while...i'll update this post with the details in a little while.

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There is a slight problem with that theory: With the number of monsters & slimey slugs in the planet and their HUGE appetites, the ecs would not last very long. So there needs to be some way that the ecs are replenished

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i think we also need to take into account the ENORMITY Of the planet. And the concentration of EC's in the little bit of area the game went through.

OFF TOPIC: Physics problem - As you get closer to a plants core, gravity gets stronger...how do the Rock Raiders not implode?

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well, they would implode if their shields suddenly shut off.

They would get squished if they were deep enough long enough...

Unless their shields were like a fluid, virtually incompressible.

Ill make a topic on the RR's shields, lets keep to the EC's for now.

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If they were to implode, it would have to be because of really strong forces pushing/pulling from EVERY direction towards the center of their body. And if you think of it, in the core they would be in the center of the planet, wouldn't they be pulled on virtually equally from every direction? Seems like they would be more likely to explode than implode. Unless pressure and the gravitational pull balanced each other out...

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There is a slight problem with that theory: With the number of humans on the planet and their HUGE appetites, the oil would not last very long. So there needs to be some way that the oil is replenished

Fix'd for comparison. I still think it's more believable for the crystals to grow since Earth crystals grow relatively quickly depending on their composition.

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