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Multiple Minifigure Mod


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	            Driver {}

	            Engineer {}

	            Geologist {}

 	            Sailor {}

PLEASE COMPLETE ALL THE PREVIOUS INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE MAKING BETA 3 EDITS!!!! While gathering data to do an OL for a custom map I am creating, I found this:

	MiniFigureTypes {

		Pilot					Mini-Figures\Pilot

	;	Driver					Mini-Figures\driver

	;	Engineer				Mini-Figures\engineer

	;	Geologist				Mini-Figures\geologist

	;	Sailor					Mini-Figures\sailor


This mod allows you to have multiple types of RR's! EDIT: BETA 2 (NOTE: Beta becauseI don't know how many more potential bugs there are) NOW AVALIABLE!!! READ BELOW FOR INSTRUCTIONS! How to install the mod: Alright, there are many steps to this. IT IS RECOMMENDED YOU USE A CLEAN (NON-MODDED) .cfg FILE, AND THEN ADD YOUR CUSTOM MODS TO THE FILE.
-CFG EDITS- Step 1: Goto Line 1932 (Pilot Rock_Raider), and add below it:

		Driver					Driver

		Engineer				Engineer

		Geologist				Geologist

		Sailor                  		Sailor  

MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AN EMPTY LINE BETWEEN THIS STUFF AND RockMonster! This is the OL files lines that you use to place them in-game. Step 2: Goto Line 1986 (Pilot The_Rock_Raider), and add below it:

		Driver					The_Driver

		Engineer				The_Engineer 

		Geologist				The_Geologist

		Sailor                  		The_Sailor          

MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AN EMPTY LINE BETWEEN THIS STUFF AND RockMonster! Step 3: Goto Line 2043 (Pilot Mini-Figures\Pilot). You will see the lines below it are commented out (Eg. They have ";" next to it". Remove the semi-colon from each line and change the non-capital letter after the backslash of each line to a Capital. That block should look like this:

	MiniFigureTypes {

		Pilot					Mini-Figures\Pilot

		Driver					Mini-Figures\Driver     

		Engineer				Mini-Figures\Engineer   

		Geologist				Mini-Figures\Geologist  

		Sailor					Mini-Figures\Sailor      


If your lazy you can copy that section. This defines that they are a type of Mini-Figure, and are friendly to the RR team. Step 4: Goto Line 2218. Copy this after it:

		Driver {               

			Levels			4

			RouteSpeed		01.100:01.100:01.100:01.100

			SoilDrillTime		04.000:04.000:04.000:04.000		

			LooseDrillTime		04.000:04.000:04.000:04.000

			MedDrillTime		08.000:08.000:08.000:08.000

			HardDrillTime		00.000:00.000:00.000:00.000		

			SeamDrillTime		10.000:10.000:10.000:10.000		

			UpgradeTime		30.0:45.0:60.0:60.0				

			CollRadius		5.0

			CollHeight		12.0

			TrackDist		40.0

			SingleWidthDig		TRUE:TRUE:TRUE:TRUE

			PickSphere		10.0

			RepairValue		10.0:15.0:20.0:25.0

			SurveyRadius		3:3:3:3

			Drillsound		SND_pilotdrill

			Drillfadesound		SND_pilotdrillfade	

			RestPercent		60.0	

			EnergyDecayRate		0.25		

			CanClearRubble		TRUE

			NumOfToolsCanCarry	2:3:4:5

			CrossLand		TRUE

			RubbleCoef		0.5

			PathCoef		2.0

			RouteAvoidance		TRUE

			UseLegoManTeleporter	TRUE

			AwarenessRange		1000.0

			OxygenCoef		-1.0

			CanStrafe		TRUE

			EnterToolStore		TRUE

			ShowHealthBar		TRUE


		Geologist {               

			Levels			4

			RouteSpeed		01.100:01.100:01.100:01.100

			SoilDrillTime		04.000:04.000:04.000:04.000		

			LooseDrillTime		04.000:04.000:04.000:04.000

			MedDrillTime		08.000:08.000:08.000:08.000

			HardDrillTime		00.000:00.000:00.000:00.000		

			SeamDrillTime		10.000:10.000:10.000:10.000		

			UpgradeTime		30.0:45.0:60.0:60.0				

			CollRadius		5.0

			CollHeight		12.0

			TrackDist		40.0

			SingleWidthDig		TRUE:TRUE:TRUE:TRUE

			PickSphere		10.0

			RepairValue		10.0:15.0:20.0:25.0

			SurveyRadius		3:3:3:3

			Drillsound		SND_pilotdrill

			Drillfadesound		SND_pilotdrillfade	

			RestPercent		60.0	

			EnergyDecayRate		0.25		

			CanClearRubble		TRUE

			NumOfToolsCanCarry	2:3:4:5

			CrossLand		TRUE

			RubbleCoef		0.5

			PathCoef		2.0

			RouteAvoidance		TRUE

			UseLegoManTeleporter	TRUE

			AwarenessRange		1000.0

			OxygenCoef		-1.0

			CanStrafe		TRUE

			EnterToolStore		TRUE

			ShowHealthBar		TRUE


		Engineer {               

			Levels			4

			RouteSpeed		01.100:01.100:01.100:01.100

			SoilDrillTime		04.000:04.000:04.000:04.000		

			LooseDrillTime		04.000:04.000:04.000:04.000

			MedDrillTime		08.000:08.000:08.000:08.000

			HardDrillTime		00.000:00.000:00.000:00.000		

			SeamDrillTime		10.000:10.000:10.000:10.000		

			UpgradeTime		30.0:45.0:60.0:60.0				

			CollRadius		5.0

			CollHeight		12.0

			TrackDist		40.0

			SingleWidthDig		TRUE:TRUE:TRUE:TRUE

			PickSphere		10.0

			RepairValue		10.0:15.0:20.0:25.0

			SurveyRadius		3:3:3:3

			Drillsound		SND_pilotdrill

			Drillfadesound		SND_pilotdrillfade	

			RestPercent		60.0	

			EnergyDecayRate		0.25		

			CanClearRubble		TRUE

			NumOfToolsCanCarry	2:3:4:5

			CrossLand		TRUE

			RubbleCoef		0.5

			PathCoef		2.0

			RouteAvoidance		TRUE

			UseLegoManTeleporter	TRUE

			AwarenessRange		1000.0

			OxygenCoef		-1.0

			CanStrafe		TRUE

			EnterToolStore		TRUE

			ShowHealthBar		TRUE         


		Sailor {               

			Levels			4

			RouteSpeed		01.100:01.100:01.100:01.100

			SoilDrillTime		04.000:04.000:04.000:04.000		

			LooseDrillTime		04.000:04.000:04.000:04.000

			MedDrillTime		08.000:08.000:08.000:08.000

			HardDrillTime		00.000:00.000:00.000:00.000		

			SeamDrillTime		10.000:10.000:10.000:10.000		

			UpgradeTime		30.0:45.0:60.0:60.0				

			CollRadius		5.0

			CollHeight		12.0

			TrackDist		40.0

			SingleWidthDig		TRUE:TRUE:TRUE:TRUE

			PickSphere		10.0

			RepairValue		10.0:15.0:20.0:25.0

			SurveyRadius		3:3:3:3

			Drillsound		SND_pilotdrill

			Drillfadesound		SND_pilotdrillfade	

			RestPercent		60.0	

			EnergyDecayRate		0.25		

			CanClearRubble		TRUE

			NumOfToolsCanCarry	2:3:4:5

			CrossLand		TRUE

			RubbleCoef		0.5

			PathCoef		2.0

			RouteAvoidance		TRUE

			UseLegoManTeleporter	TRUE

			AwarenessRange		1000.0

			OxygenCoef		-1.0

			CanStrafe		TRUE

			EnterToolStore		TRUE

			ShowHealthBar		TRUE


REMEMBER TO KEEP THE EMPTY LINES BETWEEN THE CODES!!!! These are the statistics about the RR's. You may edit these however you like. EDIT: Now to add damage entries and SFX entries. Step 5: Goto Line 3249 (Pilot ObjSFX_Pilot). Copy under it the following code:

        	Driver                  		ObjSFX_Pilot

       		Geologist               		ObjSFX_Pilot

       	 	Sailor                  		ObjSFX_Pilot

        	Engineer                		ObjSFX_Pilot

These are the sounds that are defined for the characters. You can make a custom list up the top of the .cfg and then change the values accordingly. Step 6: Goto Line 3188 (Pilot 1.0:0.6:0.3:0.2). Copy the following under it:

			Driver			1.0:0.6:0.3:0.2

			Engineer		1.0:0.6:0.3:0.2

			Geologist		1.0:0.6:0.3:0.2

			Sailor			1.0:0.6:0.3:0.2

This defines how much damage an RR will take from a Lazer hit. Each colon represents the next upgrade. The following lines also define Damage on each level and need to be copied in: Line 3366 (Pilot 1.0:0.6:0.3:0.2):

			Driver			1.0:0.6:0.3:0.2

			Engineer		1.0:0.6:0.3:0.2

			Geologist		1.0:0.6:0.3:0.2

			Sailor			1.0:0.6:0.3:0.2

Line 3384 (Pilot 1.0:2.0:3.0:4.0):

			Driver			1.0:2.0:3.0:4.0

			Engineer		1.0:2.0:3.0:4.0

			Geologist		1.0:2.0:3.0:4.0

			Sailor			1.0:2.0:3.0:4.0

Line 3424 (Pilot 0.8:0.7:0.6:0.5):

			Driver			0.8:0.7:0.6:0.5

			Engineer		0.8:0.7:0.6:0.5

			Geologist		0.8:0.7:0.6:0.5

			Sailor			0.8:0.7:0.6:0.5

Thats it for Cfg editing. If you like, you may edit the stats to however you like, and even add lines from other stats.
-LEGORR0.WAD EDITS- Step 1: Copy the folder "Pilot" from Minifigures. Step 2: Paste it 4 times. DO NOT OVERWRITE ANYTHING. Step 3: Rename each Folder to "Driver","Engineer","Geologist" and "Sailor" (WITHOUT QUOTES!!!) Step 4: In each folder, rename the .ae file to the name of the folder. Its recommended you give each new RR a new skin. If you are unsure on how to do that, have a look in Modding Discussion and also Graphics Modifications. Thats all guys! I don't care how you use this, but I would appericiate it if you at least write a comment on the post to let me now how this performs. Also, the new Mini-Figs I don't think teleport through the Regular Teleporter. Must be placed through the OL file! Other Discoveries: -> Need an RR teleported down to build, train and upgrade (Hard-Coded Error) Thanks For Reading, Extreme110
To have your new minifigures be called by different names, firstly: 1) Goto Line 1564 (!ObjSFX_Pilot Sounds\Voices\CharacterNames\rockraider) and add below it:

		!ObjSFX_Driver				Sounds\New_sfx\rr_driv

		!ObjSFX_Engineer			Sounds\New_sfx\rr_eng

		!ObjSFX_Geologist			Sounds\New_sfx\rr_geo

		!ObjSFX_Sailor				Sounds\New_sfx\rr_sailer

This is the names of the RR's as read out by other members. The ObjSFX bit is the name that this is refrenced by throughout the whole script. This is to save time instead of writing the Directory everytime you need to! The other bit is obviously the directory. NOTE: ADDING THSES LINES WILL CAUSE THE REST OF THE LINE NUMBERS IN THESE INSTRUCTIONS TO CHANGE!!!! DO THIS LAST!!! 2) Go back to Line 3260 (Driver ObjSFX_Pilot). Now change the Driver, Engineer, Geologist and Sailor lines to the following:

 	    Driver                  ObjSFX_Driver

		Geologist               ObjSFX_Geologist

 	    Sailor                  ObjSFX_Sailor

     	Engineer                ObjSFX_Engineer

If you want to use the original names for the team characters, use this code for the sfx on line 1564:

		!ObjSFX_Pilot				Sounds\New_sfx\jet

		!ObjSFX_Driver				Sounds\New_sfx\rr_driv

		!ObjSFX_Engineer			Sounds\New_sfx\sparks

		!ObjSFX_Geologist			Sounds\Voice\BuildingNames\docks2

		!ObjSFX_Sailor				Sounds\New_sfx\bandit01

Only Doc, Jet, Sparks and Bandit have the original names with the sound, but I will find Axel's name soon.. You can also change the Object names like so:

		Pilot					Jet

		Driver					Axel

		Engineer				Sparks

		Geologist				Doc

		Sailor                  		Bandit

I'd recommend making new sounds and graphics for these guys. If you do, please upload them and PM me! That stuff would work so well with what we have going now!

Thanks Guys,


UseLegoManTeleporter TRUE

Um, hello?

It's been tested, but it's hardcoded only to the "Pilot" entry...GOD DAMN YOU NAZISDDI!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Tauka Usanake

Okay I know this is old but I would like to know something. How do you get the other raiders to be in your game? All I have right now is a bunch of Storms' running around the place. I feel like a pimp with all the women. D:

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Unfortunatly the code to allow teleportation of the Raiders is hard-coded...i.e. it is written in the .exe file and it can't be put in the .cfg to jam the people down teleporter. Sorry.

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Tauka Usanake

And how others made screen shots of all the raiders together? Is that map editing?


Direct me to instructions to it please. If anything I would like to see them all together on my own.

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Well, it is pretty simple. You just do as I said above to enable the raiders, and provided you have correctly nammed them all:

  1. Open up Cyrem's Map Editor and load up any map (Get another tutorial)
  2. Find and 4 points on a map which arn't hidden or blocked by another object
  3. Open the .ol file for the Map
  4. In the .ol file, you need to do something similar to this:
    	Object4 {
    		type	Pilot
    		xPos	12.800559
    		yPos	20.086617
    		heading	194.805700

    Replace the '4' in 'Object4' with a number greater than the last entry in your .ol file (For example if it says 'Object7' as the last entry you write yours as 'Object8')

  5. Replace the value in Type (Pilot) with the ObjectName of the Raider (Pilot, Engineer, Driver, Sailor or Geologist)
  6. Replace the xPos and yPos values with X and Y values from the Map Editor (You should see some numbers in one of the corners, these are the X and Y Positions)...don't worry if you don't have as many decimal points as this code, you could have full values with no decimals and it would still work
  7. You can leaving heading alone unless you want to change the compass bearing the Raider faces. Remeber that this is on a 360 Scale, and goes from North clockwise (So 90 Degrees is East)
  8. Save the .ol file and close the Map Editor

Good luck!

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Well, it is pretty simple. You just do as I said above to enable the raiders, and provided you have correctly nammed them all:

  1. Open up Cyrem's Map Editor and load up any map (Get another tutorial)
  2. Find and 4 points on a map which arn't hidden or blocked by another object
  3. Open the .ol file for the Map
  4. In the .ol file, you need to do something similar to this:
    	Object4 {
    		type	Pilot
    		xPos	12.800559
    		yPos	20.086617
    		heading	194.805700

    Replace the '4' in 'Object4' with a number greater than the last entry in your .ol file (For example if it says 'Object7' as the last entry you write yours as 'Object8')

  5. Replace the value in Type (Pilot) with the ObjectName of the Raider (Pilot, Engineer, Driver, Sailor or Geologist)
  6. Replace the xPos and yPos values with X and Y values from the Map Editor (You should see some numbers in one of the corners, these are the X and Y Positions)...don't worry if you don't have as many decimal points as this code, you could have full values with no decimals and it would still work
  7. You can leaving heading alone unless you want to change the compass bearing the Raider faces. Remeber that this is on a 360 Scale, and goes from North clockwise (So 90 Degrees is East)
  8. Save the .ol file and close the Map Editor

Good luck!

That, or in the editor, you could place some object, like a vehicle, and then replace that object's 'type' (in the OL) with whatever the Raider's type is.

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Tauka Usanake

Well, it is pretty simple. You just do as I said above to enable the raiders, and provided you have correctly nammed them all:

  1. Open up Cyrem's Map Editor and load up any map (Get another tutorial)
  2. Find and 4 points on a map which arn't hidden or blocked by another object
  3. Open the .ol file for the Map
  4. In the .ol file, you need to do something similar to this:
    	Object4 {
    		type	Pilot
    		xPos	12.800559
    		yPos	20.086617
    		heading	194.805700

    Replace the '4' in 'Object4' with a number greater than the last entry in your .ol file (For example if it says 'Object7' as the last entry you write yours as 'Object8')

  5. Replace the value in Type (Pilot) with the ObjectName of the Raider (Pilot, Engineer, Driver, Sailor or Geologist)
  6. Replace the xPos and yPos values with X and Y values from the Map Editor (You should see some numbers in one of the corners, these are the X and Y Positions)...don't worry if you don't have as many decimal points as this code, you could have full values with no decimals and it would still work
  7. You can leaving heading alone unless you want to change the compass bearing the Raider faces. Remeber that this is on a 360 Scale, and goes from North clockwise (So 90 Degrees is East)
  8. Save the .ol file and close the Map Editor

Good luck!

That, or in the editor, you could place some object, like a vehicle, and then replace that object's 'type' (in the OL) with whatever the Raider's type is.

So that's the use of the Custom Object.

Oh hey, that's pretty cool. I guess I should take to opening every file now in Notepad. :P I'm guessing then it will read the .cfg and find the other raiders by name like Sailor and Engineer and what? And that's also how you would place in other custom creations?

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Well, it is pretty simple. You just do as I said above to enable the raiders, and provided you have correctly nammed them all:

  1. Open up Cyrem's Map Editor and load up any map (Get another tutorial)
  2. Find and 4 points on a map which arn't hidden or blocked by another object
  3. Open the .ol file for the Map
  4. In the .ol file, you need to do something similar to this:
    	Object4 {
    		type	Pilot
    		xPos	12.800559
    		yPos	20.086617
    		heading	194.805700

    Replace the '4' in 'Object4' with a number greater than the last entry in your .ol file (For example if it says 'Object7' as the last entry you write yours as 'Object8')

  5. Replace the value in Type (Pilot) with the ObjectName of the Raider (Pilot, Engineer, Driver, Sailor or Geologist)
  6. Replace the xPos and yPos values with X and Y values from the Map Editor (You should see some numbers in one of the corners, these are the X and Y Positions)...don't worry if you don't have as many decimal points as this code, you could have full values with no decimals and it would still work
  7. You can leaving heading alone unless you want to change the compass bearing the Raider faces. Remeber that this is on a 360 Scale, and goes from North clockwise (So 90 Degrees is East)
  8. Save the .ol file and close the Map Editor

Good luck!

That, or in the editor, you could place some object, like a vehicle, and then replace that object's 'type' (in the OL) with whatever the Raider's type is.

So that's the use of the Custom Object.

Oh hey, that's pretty cool. I guess I should take to opening every file now in Notepad. :P I'm guessing then it will read the .cfg and find the other raiders by name like Sailor and Engineer and what? And that's also how you would place in other custom creations?

That is exactly how you place Custom Content, either method. I prefer the .ol method because I can manually check each entry and Copy+Paste if I need to place in multiple objects at the same time, however the other method is much easier to start off with.

And yes, provided you have modded the .cfg correctly, if you check the section "ObjectNames" every object will be named here, including custom content.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I've modified the top post because some people are having trouble using the old instructions. I'll add pictures and format it soon enough.

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Maybe usesmallteleporter will work for new minifigs.

That would require the small vehicles menu to become a minifig menu. Which has been totaly unsuccessful so far.

Pilots already UseManTeleporter and UseSmallTeleporter... the problem is making a button to call them down in the first place.

Pilots have never used SmallTelepoter... only small vehicles use that.

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What's your point?

You were giving out false information.

Where was I ever giving out false info? All I said was that the RRs can only be teleported down from things listed as LegoManTeleporters.

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Lair is correct, the small teleporter is defined as both a small vehicle and a man teleporter; rather than pilots defined as using the toolstore and small teleporter as teleporters.

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Where was I ever giving out false info? All I said was that the RRs can only be teleported down from things listed as LegoManTeleporters.

I think I just pulled an Axle.

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Pilots already UseManTeleporter and UseSmallTeleporter... the problem is making a button to call them down in the first place.

Pilots have never used SmallTelepoter... only small vehicles use that.


I'd make a mount joke, but I'll hold back...

Damn shame. We'll figure something out...

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  • 4 months later...

Uhh yeah srry if this is a n00b question but, do I paste over the pilot values or add the geologist and engineer etc underneath the pilot values

Same with the Pilot minifigure folder, do I keep it?

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Uhh yeah srry if this is a n00b question but, do I paste over the pilot values or add the geologist and engineer etc underneath the pilot values

Same with the Pilot minifigure folder, do I keep it?

You paste it underneath the Pilot stats, and yes you keep the Pilot folder. Just make a new folder for each class, and don't forget to rename the .ae

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Uhh yeah srry if this is a n00b question but, do I paste over the pilot values or add the geologist and engineer etc underneath the pilot values

Same with the Pilot minifigure folder, do I keep it?

You need to add these entries under the Pilot Values, as an entire new section. Look through the stats section. See how it is setup? You want to add the 4 new entries so everything looks like the other ones, with brackets, one under another.

In short, you copy the entire Pilot section with the "{" and "}" included, then paste it 4 times below the Pilot section making sure there is a newline between each entry, then change the name of "Pilot" in each pasted section to the names of the new raiders.

And the folders is the same; copy and paste the pilot folder 4 times so you have 4 new folders, then follow the rest of the steps.

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