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  • Run Lego Rock Raiders on Ubuntu 17.10

    • TheOnlyCaky
    • Written By TheOnlyCaky
    • Published
    • Updated
    • Comments 5 comments

    This tutorial will show you how to run LEGO Rock Raiders on Ubuntu. This has only been tested on Ubuntu 17.10, it may work with earlier versions. Note to you nerds like me: I could not get LRR running well on Windows 10 and was ecstatic to find out that Linux ran it well! So Linux FTW!



    First, you will need the files from your  LEGO Rock Raiders disk - more importantly, you need the game files. 


    Secondly, you will need to install wine and playonlinux.



    sudo apt-get install wine-stable


    sudo apt-get install playonlinux

    Thirdly, you'll need the dreaded d3drm.

    Download here: d3drm



    1. Open playonlinux

    2. Click on install (it has a plus sign)

    3. Click on Bottom Left Link that says "Install a non-listed program"

    4. Choose "Install a new program in a virtual drive"

    5.  Pick any virtual drive name you would like. Mine is: LegoLegacy (no spaces are important)

    6.  Check the first two boxes "Use another version of wine" and "Configure wine"

    7.  Choose "System" - I only had that choice.

    8.  Choose "32 bits windows installation" - this is important it is 32 bit.

    9.  The Wine Configuration window should pop up:  Click on the Graphics tab and check the "Emulate a virtual desktop" and leave the other settings. Click "Apply" and "Ok"

    10.  The next playonlinux window will ask you where to install the file from. You need to browse to the file "Setup.exe" from your LRR CD.

    11.  Follow the installation like its 1999! - make sure to also install Direct X6 when it asks.

    12. Close out the window.

    13.  playonlinux will come up with another window asking to make a shortcut - click on "LegoRR.exe" then click next twice.

    14. It will return to that same shortcut menu, this time select "I don't want to make another shortcut"

    15. Re-open playonlinux and click on LegoRR, but before you press "Run" you need to add in the d3drm.

    `16. To do this, click on "Open the directory" around the bottom-left.

    17. Unzip the d3drm file and copy the d3drm.dll file that you just unzipped and copy it into the directory playonlinux opened for you.

    18.  Go back to playonlinux and click "Run" and choose any of the fullscreen running options.

    19. Enjoy!


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I followed these steps on Ubuntu 18.04, but the game fails to boot regardless of the options I select. Did you set a windows version (e.g. windows XP) or use a specific lego rock raiders version?


Could you perhaps report your wine version and playonlinux version?

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I managed to get the game working under wine without playonlinux.


1. First install wine and winetricks:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install wine32 winetricks

2. Then run the following commands:

export WINEPREFIX="/home/YOURUSERNAME/.wineprefixes/legorr/"
export WINEARCH="win32"
mkdir -p /home/YOURUSERNAME/.wineprefixes/legorr/
winetricks corefonts

3. Next, cd to the Lego Rock Raiders CD

4. Run the setup with wine:

wine Setup.exe

5. Just install normally. Be sure to install DirectX and direct media.

6. Copy d3drm.dll:

cp PATH_TO_D3DRM.DLL /home/YOURUSERNAME/.wineprefixes/legorr/dosdevices/c:/Program\ Files/LEGO\ Media/Rock\ Raiders/d3drm.dll

You will have Rock Raiders shortcuts on your desktop to start the game.


It is also possible to start it directly (useful for running e.g. cafeteria)

env WINEPREFIX="/home/YOURUSERNAME/.wineprefixes/legorr/" wine /home/YOURUSERNAME/.wineprefixes/legorr/dosdevices/c:/Program\ Files/LEGO\ Media/Games/Rock\ Raiders/LegoRR.exe


For me, the game runs very well. There are some minor graphical problems, namely that transparent overlays are not rendered (e.g. when you select a tile, or when you give orders to drill a wall, you don't see that). The game is perfectly playable without this, but it can be a bit annoying (e.g. when trying to build something).

Some effects like smoke from lava turn white or green but are still visible.


NOTE: Sometimes, after exiting the game, the resolution stays on 640x800. You can change it back to the correct resolution with nvidia x server settings (or a reboot also does the trick)

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If some of you guys are still struggling, for me deleting the .avi cutscenes from the data/AVI map worked. Shame I dont have the nice af lego intro, but at least the game runs. (I did it without PlayOnLinux)

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So how well would it run on Batocera? Is there a guide for that, since Wine is already pre-installed?

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