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The Computer Update Blorg

The Ace Railgun



So I am currently in the process of updating my computer, and after the recent drama I figured a computer blorg would be fun. Several friends (Alcom, @noghiri, and an IRL friend) have helped me compile a computer parts list to make a long lasting and powerful computer (that can handle VR), with enough storage to last me for forever (or at least 'till I use up 3TBs) here's my final part list, if anyone wants to check it out.


Linkage:  http://pcpartpicker.com/list/BFCx6X


I will be posting pics of the build here in this blorg once I receive them all as I am ordering all the parts today, and hopefully they will come within a week give or take.


Edit: went with 16GB of RAM and a 1070 Gforce graphics card



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Yeah, that should last quite a while (Have you thought about a time frame? Like 10 years? I am just curious).  At first I was a bit confused, because I couldn't find the graphics card in the list... ...and then I noticed, that the entry just didn't have a picture^^. Since 8TB HDDs are already a thing, I assume, that yo uwill probably be able to buy 32TB HDDs* when you will run out of storage. And yes: pictures are always good (no, not blurry ones xD. I sometimes noticed, that people upload stuff, that is (at least a bit) blurry).


*or some hypercube to save all the anime in the world on it ;)


P.S.: I don't know, if you are still changing the list (I saw your edit note in the blog^^), but you could also go with a smaller power supply unit (let's say 500 to 600W. Probably even smaller), if you don't do overclocking or going to use several graphics cards (SLI in case of NVidia).

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5 minutes ago, Arthuriel said:

Like 10 years?


Yep, either about this length, or after I have finished college, which'll be about 4 years.



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I think/hope, that it will last that long. My old setup also  lasted like 7 or 8 years and it could have been even longer (that happens, if you are stingy and think, that a AMD Dualcore is also okay compared to a Intel Quadcore + a new mainboard, because you want to continue using the mainboard out of a OEM computer^^).

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reminder, don't ever go into the waste of buying any new amd cpus, they've had very little to no progress with each iteration released

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One thing, that I just noticed now: Do you really need the fan controller? If the mainboard isn't some low budget stuff, you can connect the fans to it and control them via the BIOS or UEFI.

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4 minutes ago, Arthuriel said:

One thing, that I just noticed now: Do you really need the fan controller? If the mainboard isn't some low budget stuff, you can connect the fans to it and control them via the BIOS or UEFI.


The fan controller is for a bit of coolness factor :P

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There's two fewer fan headers on the mobo than fans, iirc.


A 500-600w PSU for the 1070 will likely not boot due to lack of power; the chip is hungrier than a 560ti, and a more efficient rig with a 560ti in it I used to own would only boot sporadically until I got a bigger PSU.  In addition, 750w-800w has the best price/watt while allowing later upgrades to SLI or a 1080.


This setup was designed to last with only minor upgrades for 5 years.  It may well go 10 years with major upgrades, if the trends stay roughly similar on the fastest improving parts of the PC ecosystem - the main upgrades are: 32GB of ram, as this is a content creation rig, and a new gpu in 3-5 years depending on how that changes.

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Like I said: I wasn't sure, why the fan controller was in there and since it is in the list because of coolness+more fan connectors, I am okay with that :) (it's not my computer anyway^^).


About the (high) PSU recommendations (that you sometimes see on GPU manufacturer websites etc.): Actually it's more about going safe, that even the users with the crappiest PSUs (the ones, where you have to divide the wattage by 2 and even then you have to pray, that it won't explode xD) can use their GPUs. Example: I got a GTX 1070* and an overclocked Intel Hexacore (the cheapest one was actually an alternative to the (probably still?) expensive Intel 6700K back then) with my 550W PSU and it works fine.

Since you mentioned the possibility of SLI and the price/watt ratio it's okay though :).


Yeah, if the basis (CPU, mainboard, RAM, PSU) is okay, you will only have to change the GPU and the RAM, which is relatively easy.


*wait, the 1070 is supposed to consume more than the 560Ti? Actually it seems to be the other way around, although it may depend on the version you get (from stock to overclocked).


P.S.: This computer (upgrade) theme reminds me, that I have to find out, if there is a RRU thread (there probably is at least one), where people post pictures of their computers.


P.P.S.: Oh no, now I start commenting in yet another RRU computer thread/blog. Maybe I should stay away from them^^ (to be fair: so far I only commented in one or two, if I remember correctly xD).


P.P.P.S. (Help!^^): Since fans were already mentioned here, I wanted to share this test about different fan configurations. The site is in german though (maybe that's not a hindrance for you, Ace) and the unit is degree Celsius, but it shows you, what results you get with different setups. Personally I found it very helpful (and I discovered, that in my case even one fan at the back of the case was more than enough).

Here is the overview over all the scenarios: http://www.hardwaremax.net/guides/hardware/305-der-perfekte-airflow?start=2

And this is the summary: http://www.hardwaremax.net/guides/hardware/305-der-perfekte-airflow?showall=&start=3

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All the computer parts are arriving next Tuesday, :D I'll probably start building then too, hopefully I'll be able to install all the software that day as well.

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I've told you before that making this machine in NZ would literally cost you $5000 l405G.jpg


I wish you luck, and don't break anything!



Also, I see no CD/DVD drive? You might need that to install your OS on it...

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And so the building can begin :) (soon).


There is a Blu-Ray/DVD/CD Writer in the list, aiden.

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3 hours ago, Arthuriel said:

There is a Blu-Ray/DVD/CD Writer in the list, aiden.

Can confirm, It's the LG one, and it's a reader/writer too.

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Arthuriel, those numbers are less comparable because Ace is using a water block.  The radiator's on top, the lowest temp setup I've found is, if the computer's sitting on a desk, back fan and front fans blowing in, top two fans blowing out.  PSU oriented to keep it on its own air loop, draw in bottom, exhaust back.  GPU exhausts back.  This gets good airflow over the RAM and Chipset, with the cost of the CPU temp running a bit closer to the average system temperature.  This works better in this situation than with an air cooling block because of the nature of the cooling blocks and heat radiation system locations.


EDIT: This is the most comprable.


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Ah, thanks for the explanation. That setup actually makes sense. I think, I wanted to mention or ask about the water cooler (where to place it etc.), but forgot about it^^.

A bit more about the links I posted: I think, that stumbled upon them, when I tried to make my computer more quiet by removing fans (one at the back and one at the top, which blew out and two at the front, that blew in) and wondered, what the best position would be for one, two etc. fans. Like I already mentioned: I ended up with one (case fan).

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yup. my fans while, are loud. sure as hell keep the thing reasonable cool.

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On 14/08/2016 at 10:56 AM, noghiri said:

I prefer moving maximum volumes of air.  Noise isn't an issue, cooling is.


I'm still shocked by my new (well) machine... I can't tell if it's on or not without checking its light.


It's a far cry off my previous desktop, which would literally grind its fans for a full thirty seconds before starting up. From there, they'd coalesce into merely a very noisy inefficient whirr.


Also, the fact that I run stuff that would run on an advanced XP machine helps l405G.jpg

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Oh, I have efficient fans... it's just that even efficient fans get loud when you run them at high speed.  Sounds like a lil jet engine.

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18 minutes ago, noghiri said:

Sounds like a lil jet engine.

My Grandma's Air Conditioner sounds like a full sized Jet engine. The first part arrives today (the mouse), the rest  arrive tomorrow.

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So all the parts came but I forgot to order the power supply, so I ordered that and it should come tomorrow or thursday.

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Been working on building for about 2hours.


So far it has been good, I'm just about done at this point and have to hook up the rest of the liquid cooling system to the CPU. I'm hoping it'll load up first try.

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Pics have arrived


(before wire management)



Fan controller



And here it is all set up.


The build was fun all in all

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