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It's been a while...

Drill Master



Hey guys.

It's been a long time since I was active here.

I got a job now, so that's been taking up quite a lot of my time. Maybe too much...

I miss being here, I really do. This will be the first time I've even put anything on the forum in forever.

I'm sitting here, waiting for something to say, but I don't have much. I haven't been able to keep up with the forum. I don't know who is still here or not, or who the new members are. What the next biggest topic is. I've just sorta fallen off.

I want to change that. Get back into the family I've once known. Yes I said family, because you guys are. You've made me be more comfortable over the internet, if that were ever truly possible. I know I've had some off times, but we all do, right?

I'm gonna try to be more active again. Perhaps bring back some old things I've left behind. Or create some new things for everyone to enjoy.

In other news, I think I may have finally beaten my composer's block, so you can expect me to start posting music here again.

And, if you really must know, I push shopping carts at the local Walmart now. This job tends to build up stress at times, but I made a vow that I would not quit, and I've been told the managers have noticed my, determination

Anyway, sappy blog post over. It's good to be back.

See you all around the site.

- Drill



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Well there's this member named JHUYSER and Lair's back. There isn't really a "new biggest topic"; Most topics are just popular for a while, linger for a day or two, then die.

Its good to know you're going to be making music again though. Welcome back. :P

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Heeeeeeeeeey, welcome back JAL ol' pal.

So what do you do in the non-working hours? No time for RRU there? D:
I constantly have full time work every week, but I've still got time to visit and chat here, and do computer hobbies. Mind you I have practically nothing else to do irl when I'm not working.

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I'm usually resting...

Then I just find a game and drown in it until I have to sleep.

Pushing thousands of carts each day at random hours just wears me out, so I don't want to do much.

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Hey JAL. Nice to see you again. I haven't been around here much either, except I am not justified like you are. :P I'm sorry to hear you don't enjoy your job.

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Hey JAL. Nice to see you again. I haven't been around here much either, except I am not justified like you are. :P I'm sorry to hear you don't enjoy your job.

I don't hate my job, it just gives me a lot of stress at times. Especially when I'm the only one scheduled to come in a day and the managers expect a clean lot. I rather enjoy it when I'm not being pressured. Take tonight, for instance. I was out on my own (go figure) but there were no complaints about the lot even though it was not clean by any means. I also had fun when a nice layer of snow built up on the ground. I started running with stray carts and sliding across the lot with them :P

Dang it, that reminds me I was going to go run a worn out tire to automotive tonight. Somebody left in behind one of the cart bays :|

Oh well, it'll be there tomorrow :P

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Oh, games I see, okay. I usually tend to not let stressful situations bother my activities, though I may be less likely to take computer breaks. :P (quote below because android RRU sucks like that )

I'm usually resting...

Then I just find a game and drown in it until I have to sleep.

Pushing thousands of carts each day at random hours just wears me out, so I don't want to do much


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I'm glad you're back! Try not to work too hard, you hear? :P I hope you are filled with determination to compose new music! I've been missing your tunes! :D

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Well maybe I'll have less stress now, as they finally fixed the mules, er "Automatic Cart Haulers".

Before, we needed 2 people to use them because the remotes were broken. Then the mules broke down.

We finally got someone to call in a maintenance guy to work on them, AND they ordered a new remote.

Now I can push 20 carts with no stress. This should help break some stress.

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Geeze le, if you're gonna reference something, at least bold the whole phrase. :P


I hope you are filled with determination to compose new music! I've been missing your tunes!

Happy now? :P

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Geeze le, if you're gonna reference something, at least bold the whole phrase. :P


I hope you are filled with determination to compose new music! I've been missing your tunes!

Happy now? :P


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It has everything to do with it, as that is where it comes from and a large percentage of RRU likes it. So there will be a lot more were that 'meme' came from.

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