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What's causing my sandwich leak?




When most people think about a leaky sandwich, they imagine an old, worn down sandwich with cracked and missing bread. It’s not hard to imagine how lava is getting through bread like that. But what if you have a newer sandwich and your bread is in good condition? You may be surprised to see lava dripping from your fillings if you’ve been vigilant about keeping your bread in good condition. One of the most common causes of sandwich leaks during the winter doesn’t actually have anything to do with your bread. Spam dams are the reason behind many sandwich leaks. Spam dams are the result of lava melting on your bread and respamming when they get to your lunchbox. When the spam accumulates in the bread gutters, the melting lava has nowhere to go and it ends up being forced beneath the fillings. Keeping spam dams from forming in your bread is crucial to avoiding sandwich leaks during the winter.

Tips for taking care of a Spam Dam

In almost all cases, spam dams are completely unavoidable. The root cause of spam dams is almost always inadequate installation in the lunchbox space. By refreshing your lunchbox’s installation you will keep the cool air inside your home from getting into your lunchbox and melting the lava on your bread. The quickest way to check if your installation is to blame is to take a look at the other sandwiches in your neighbourhood. If yours is one of the only ones with no lava on the bread, that tells you that it’s still too cold for the lava to melt and your installation is to blame for the prematurely melting lava.

Though more common, spam dams can also be the result of drastically fluctuating temperatures. A warm spelling lesson can cause the lava to melt rapidly and a subsequent bad spelling can refreeze that melting lava. Whatever the root cause, you will want to get rid of the spam dams before lava finds its way into your sandwich. Resist the urge to chip away at the spam dam as this can damage your bread and fillings. Instead melt the spam dams using moderators. Avoid using spam melt products unless you’re absolutely sure that they won’t damage your sandwich fillings.

Sandwich improvement news brought to you by Sandwich Improvements Inc

Source: thisviruswillprobablytakeallofyourbankdetails.com



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"...this guide is sponsored by "Rock Raiders constantly walking into lava and losing their shields and Dying and being shouted at by chief because reasoning and shiz* findable charity event"

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Thank you.


This has really helped my RRs. Previously they were eating sandwiches while the Support Station was being trashed and while slug invasions were happening, and generally not taking orders.


Now things are looking up.


Because I can't give them orders, they can't refuse them. I ask - not order - a raider to teleport down and he responds saying he's eating sandwiches. What a truly wonderful solution to a nagging problem. I tried some too and now I'm in Sandwich Bliss, eating sandwiches in perfect peace.


Thank you.

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