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Rant: "Whatever happened to 'Work before Pleasure'?"




IMPORTANT; This rant does contain the occasional use of strong language, please be aware of that before you choose to read this.

Thank you.

28th January 2015, Block 6; Drama

Let me start with saying that, for some reason our Drama teacher wasn't in so our class got a substitute teacher instead. He didn't understand what we were doing so he just left us to our own devices...

...that was a stupid idea;

Even though everyone got into their groups and would do their work, no less than five minutes later were they messing around with props, watching unrelated videos on YouTube on the computer in the next-door room, breaking a fan they were going to use for a prop, running around and riding in a trolley, basically things they wouldn't be doing if our regular teacher was in.

Admittedly one half of the class had already did their scripts so they are excused but my group (a.k.a the other half of the class) had hardly done at least a third of their script and even though we couldn't access the script we'd written on the computer (because it was written on a teacher's account that we cannot access) we could've just rewritten it on paper but no, everyone thought it would be fun to not do the work and just horse around.

They literally gave no f****s that this week was the due date for the scripts, yet they didn't get into trouble because, like I already said, our substitute teacher didn't know what we were meant to be doing.

I will admit I could've just rewritten the script on my own, but I have no clue as to what the story is, it's a complete mess that I highly doubt people will understand. So I was sitting in a chair, watching everyone run about and having fun, thinking 'Whatever happened to Work before Pleasure?' as well as considering the waste of time the block was.

Another thing that crossed my mind was that my class is in S3 (Third year in secondary school in the UK, Middle school in the USA), so I felt they should've known better than just do what they want to.



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This is why group work sucks...


I'm not saying group work doesn't have its benefits, but the possibility of someone else having a profound negative effect on your grade irks me. 

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Oh you kids these days...


When I was in school, if we had something to do and the teacher wasn't there, we did it. Didn't matter if it was group or solo, if you were expected to do something, you got it done. If you finished your work,  you were to work on other things quietly. 


And what of these smartphones and tablets you guys have nowadays? When I was in middle school, there were no smartphones or watching youtube. We actually talked and were social. I didn't have my first phone til I was 16, and all it could do was call, text, and had enough memory to hold 10 songs. 


I learned that my high school gave everyone tablets this year, and I'm glad I wasn't a part of it. Devices distract the kids from doing what they are supposed to do. I wish all teachers were like my Government teacher. If she caught you with your phone or tablet or whatever at all that wasn't being used for school purposes, she would take it away from you all day. One time she went as far as throwing a kid's phone out the window (Her class is on the 2nd floor btw) because the kid was back-talking her about having her phone out during class.


Technology is ruining the younger ages. Our world is going to crumble because the future generations are to busy taking selfies.

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I didn't have my first phone til I was 16, and all it could do was call, text, and had enough memory to hold 10 songs.

My first phone was a Nokia 2600 (Not the 2600 Classic). You had to program any other ringtones into it manually.

One time she went as far as throwing a kid's phone out the window (Her class is on the 2nd floor btw) because the kid was back-talking her about having her phone out during class.

Hmm... Seems the teacher should pay for any damage caused to the phone.
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I didn't have my first phone til I was 16, and all it could do was call, text, and had enough memory to hold 10 songs.

My first phone was a Nokia 2600 (Not the 2600 Classic). You had to program any other ringtones into it manually.

One time she went as far as throwing a kid's phone out the window (Her class is on the 2nd floor btw) because the kid was back-talking her about having her phone out during class.

Hmm... Seems the teacher should pay for any damage caused to the phone.


Oh don't worry she did. She was totally fine paying for the damage caused. She just wanted to get her point across. After that, no one ever even tried to pull their phones out.

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