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LEGO Racers with Greycatmon

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About this blog

I offer tips on how to be a LEGO Racer 1 driver, the terms for all tracks (even Rocket Racer Run, since it's not in Time Race) and when I stream.

Entries in this blog

I'll get to LEGO Racers soon

I haven't been streaming for a little while now since I have been playing Pokemon Ultra Moon the entire time. And a little League of Legends on the side. I'll attempt to stream in the next hour after this is posted. I will also get some new social media within the next hour and will post them on the following day. Do not be surprised if I look down constantly on stream as I will probably be distracted by Pokemon Ultra Moon



My Stream!

I try to start streaming around 12-12:30pm Eastern US Time. I also stream at night starting around 9-10pm. http://www.twitch.tv/jarbal I only stream LEGO Racers for now. I will see if I can stream other games soon.



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