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Just Imagine - A Lego RTS - II

Just Imagine.... A Lego RTS...   But not just simply themes bashing it out for your enjoyment. Many themes were released with absolutely no aquatic component. Many themes were solely aquatic. So why not bring two factions to bear, one fighting for control of the land and skies, the other sending aquatic incursions? Submarines, boats; anything to skim the waves and provide devastating firepower to bear on your opponents on the shore having wrestled the sea from your opponent's control.



Birthday Loot

So it was my birthday and I had a very nice time with family and friends.   Loot included: - clothes and blanket - two DLCs for Warhammer 2 Total War which I have spent the past week playing with -One 'black box' from a friend that contains OSes from the 80's, which in turn can then run various games from that time period, including the first three text-based ZORK adventures  aaarg my enter key isn't working- and such a quantity of Lego that I couldn't build it all over



Just Imagine - A Lego RTS

Just imagine...   ... Imagine a computer game. More specifically, a real-time-strategy game. But not with medieval knights. Not with spacemen. No, something far better - with both.   Both sides made out of Lego bricks.   Imagine starting with the classic AOE three minifigures... Imagine harvesting Yellow bricks to build more minifigures.... Imagine harvesting Grey bricks to build weapons for those minifigures... ...  and harvesting all sorts of bricks to sta



Why I'm Away from RRU

Okay, first this blog is overdue. About half a year overdue. I meant to type it up at the beginning of the year, then two weeks in, then at the break, and now I’m finally stopping procrastinating & am actually writing it up.   Anyway, the reason I have not been around here nearly as much as a) I was and b) I would like to be is because last year I was at high school = not fantastically amazing and plenty of free time except for the infamous fifteen exams in two-and-a-bit months.



Off to Uni

I've been accepted into University and have finally got all the paperwork sorted... it only came through four days before the term start as well as half the site crashing, along with them repeatedly asking for a form I ended up sending off three times, as well as some angry rants from Dad, far too much stress, and a general bucketload of idle parahpenalia which has no point but hey they want it in anyway...   I also managed to get my timetable sorted and oh great I have one 9am start a



The Return of the Tongue

I've returned for a second time after a long string (15) of exams again   except these ones I did actually study for and didn't need to bury myself in a textbook at the end of term three   not that anyone massively cares all that much, and oh look, the deranged lunatic is back with his tongue   as if you hadn't noticed that already  



Birthday Loot

Well well well, 16 for me. I've divided it into two sections: one which I got from my friends and the other which I got from my family, as I effectively had two birthday parties: one on Queen's Birthday Weekend (a curious holiday because it's always a) suspiciously on a Monday and b) the Queen's birthday is somewhere in April or something), and one on the third of June: a.k.a today, for me in my shiny +12 timezone. The party with the friends was what I'd call a party: cookies, cake, paintball,



The truth at how to be great at sandwich marketing

The truth at how to be great at sandwich marketing There are a lot of cure-alls circling the web all claiming to be able to solve all your sandwich marketing problems. This isn’t one of those articles. The truth is, the key to sandwich marketing depends a lot on the nature of your sandwich supply and your target task for your raiders. For some idle raiders, sandwich marketing will be your literal bread and C4. For others, it will be a side hobby but not your main idleness source.



My new bedsheet (it will all make sense later)

I bet you are all wondering "Why is a new bedsheet worthy of a blog on RRU?" I'll show you why. It started when I got my thieving little hands on a Rock Raiders promotional poster via TradeMe (the NZ equivalent of eBay). It lay unused for... six months? until my mother had the brilliant idea to make it into a bedsheet with her own two hands (and the sowing machine). And voila! I got the result for Christmas. ;D Okay, it's not actually new as per se, as I got it for Christ



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