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Interesting issue with all my lego games, flickering text/hud only


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Hello again :) Glad I found my account and this site once more! Good to come back.

So, my issue as of late has been I launch Lego Rock Raiders, great, I get the .dll file. It runs. Lego media intro is fine, data interactive is fine, then the intro starts playing and data interactive overlap flickering rapidly. I skip it (my eyes cant bear it as well) 

Now its loading and the BAR is flickering with text. Menu pops up and everything but the play - exit text is flickering. I put on some compatibility options and it stops the flickering but removes all text and hud.

I'm at a stand still.

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21 hours ago, aidenpons said:

Are you on a Windows 8/10 and are you running in Windowed?

Give that a go.

With some jerry rigging my monitor to make it "full screen" 800x600 and this. Huzzah!

Now when I get home after work I can enjoy some LRR and other games :)

Thank you!


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Found another working "feature"? My main monitor has all the normal settings and nothing done to rock raiders such as compatibility or any checkboxes. I plug in an old viewsonic monitor that I got from the garage and for some reason (with everything default and all) It ran perfectly on my main dell monitor with the viewsonic taking my desktop background and putting it in a 640 x 480 box, yet running rock raiders at 2263x1273.

I had the intention of running it on the old monitor but this is even better. No flickering as well. Win win.



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