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Question: Book analysis websites


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I have a question regarding websites that has analysis or summaries of books and other literary works. Does anyone know if there is a site on the internet, which has page-by-page analysis of each page of a classical work, which includes analysis of stylistic devices, yielded effects, themes, characterizations, character developement, indicators of the exposition, rising action, climax etc, the tone of the page and definitions of difficult words.

Does anyone know if there is a site that provides all those criteras I listed above, or includes the usage of stylistic devices in their analysis?

Additionally, does anyone know if there are any books or study guides that include this information?


Does anyone also know if there are any good forums for studying literature?

I have checked Cliffnotes, Sparknotes, eNotes, Pinkmonkey, Novelguide, Gradesaver, Litcharts, Shmoop, Jiffnotes and Bookrags, but all of them have limited amount of information by focusing on summaries instead of in-depth analysis of each chapter that includes the stylistic devices used.

Thank you on beforehand!

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