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With LEGO bricks gaining more and more momentum, this was, perhaps, inevitable. Roar Trangbaek has disclosed to The Telegraph that this Christmas season, LEGO will not be able to meet demand for sets in Europe. Interest in the brand has risen faster than LEGO has been able to expand their production facilities. They'll be churning out full force this winter, but you may not be getting that Special Forces TIE Fighter you wanted.

The Telegraph

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Hasn't this happened before? I seem to recall a friend telling me a few years ago that LEGO couldn't manufacture bricks fast enough to keep up with sales. Then again he was known to exaggerate a lot.

Ah well, good for LEGO I say! I just hope they don't build quick, poor-quality factories to compensate if this becomes an ongoing problem. I've always respected LEGO's high standards and good ethics, it's one of the biggest things that separates it from the clone brands. If they ever lose that then I fear LEGO would go down too. But I'm sure that the family will keep it running well for the foreseeable future, eh?

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Fluffy Cupcake

 That's gotta hurt business not being able to keep up. I'll assume they'll make it through the holidays alright though.


Luckily I was planning to buy Lego Island mocs this year.

Are you buying your own gifts or what?

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