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le717 LP's Some HTML5 fan-made LEGO-themed game


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This game literally has no title, so I had no clue what to call it. :P

It was @WillKirkby that linked this *ahem* game in the Skype group on 31 January, and upon seeing it I knew I had to do an LP. Apologies if it is not the most entertaining LP I've done. Homework restricts me greatly right now. Hopefully a better one can occur soon. :)

Also, after the audio fiasco with Lego GTA, I reported I would be recording the game and my video in two difference tracks and mixing them in. While it took a bit more editing, I think it came out well, otherwise this LP too would have had audio leveling issues.


"Enjoy". ;)


Haha. Hahaha. Ahahahaha. Ahahahahahahaha! Tehehehehehehehehehehehehe! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA





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Whoever made this game doesn't seem to know that when a vehicle turns and the wheels on one side move forward and the wheels on the opposite side move backward, the vehicle shouldn't even be moving much, if not at all, backwards and/or forwards.


Still, thanks for sharing.

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