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Favorite Game OSTs


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Hm. I like a lot of soundtracks. The sountrack of the first three Ratchet & Clank games is awesome, but the Earthbound soundtrack is awesome too, the Freedom Planet one is great as well, same goes with a lot of other games...


I can't tell which one is better. As long as it's done well, I like every soundtrack.

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Bowser's Inside Story.


Super Smash Bros (4) (This is kinda cheating :P )




The last one doesn't have a GREAT soundtrack, but I've played it since I was 4, so its kinda ingrained into my memory. :P

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Hmmm... I'll pick out a few of my favourites.



Batman: Arkham City

This soundtrack... Dayum, it's got "I'm Batman" written all over it. I Think You Should Do As He Says and How Does It Feel, Pig? are great selections which make you feel pretty epic.



What a great range of uplifting songs! There's some hidden gems among the various games, such as Voodoo Juju, My Patch, Fifth of Beethoven and Horny Old Man (ignore the name, I have no idea why it has that name...).


Modnation Racers

I haven't played this game in a long time. However, I do enjoy several of the tracks it has, in particular Victory Lap and Cruise Control. Nice jolly songs.


Portal 2

I don't normally listen to electronic stuff, but this soundtrack worked so well in the game. One notable track is (defun botsbuildbots () (botsbuildbots)) (quite a clever song title, look it up to find out why).


WipEout HD (including DLC tracks)

A pretty awesome soundtrack, it really gets you in the mood of racing. My favourite's probably Machine Gun.

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