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The Infomaniac's Intro Speech


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I'm sorry, but it just bugs me when people repeatedly quote the Infomaniac's intro speech incorrectly...

Here's what it should be (Punctuation may not be right, but the words are...):

Hello! Hola! Velkommen/Willkommen! Bienvenue! Konichiwa... Aloha! How ya doin'? Yo! And in any language, welcome to LEGO Island!

Oh, I almost forgot! If you haven't done so already, select our big blue brick book and sign in please!


Skip to 2:06

But you probably already knew that. In fact, I know you do! So why am I telling you!? :)

Alternate ending to this post:

Duh, like you didn't know that... What was I thinking!?


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Should I be worried I can quote this and most of the lines in the game off by heart?  >.<

Not at all. Most of us can quote lines from the LEGO games, even if we do get them slightly wrong. ;)
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