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Reactivating things (Can be locked now, I guess)


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While perusing about the forums I've heard mention of 3 entities who were cut out of the released game, and that they could be reactivated through some coding.


(Of course the scorpion, snake, and "large" spider.)


Now, I have searched through the entire Rock Raiders section and have found a single topic about reactivating them, but when I enter it, it says that I am not allowed to view said page.


I would just like to find a way to enable these creatures again, if i'm really just that thick and there is another topic present, feel free to lock this without delay.

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but when I enter it, it says that I am not allowed to view said page.


Cyrem put a lot of topics in some holding bay to sort through and clean up. Apparently they're still there even though it's been a long time.

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I'm not too sure about the activating process of those 3 animals. I never dealt with those but I know that if you want to get them back into the game, they won't come up randomly in the levels like normal spiders ect.

You would have to create or edit levels and 'place' them somewhere as custom objects or you would have to replace them with emerging creatures like Rock Monster...

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Well drat. Thanks for responding so quickly, but now i'm unsure of what to do. Should I just remove the semicolons and try to spawn them?

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I'll have a look for it, wait a moment...


The Normal Spider:

		Spider {
			Levels			1
			RouteSpeed			0.5
			TrackDist			10.0
			AlertRadius			40.0
			CrossLand			TRUE
			CollRadius			5.0
			CollHeight			4.0
			PickSphere			14.0

			RubbleCoef			0.4

			RandomMove			TRUE
			DontShowDamage		TRUE

			ScaredByBigBangs	TRUE

You have to replace the code of the Spider with that one. Also, you have to go to these lines


about 1945: (under the ObjectNames { ... }):

delete the ";" in front of

Spider					<Translation_of_Spider_in_installed_language>




about 1995: (under the ObjectTheNames { ... }):

delete the ";" in front of

		Spider				The_Spider




about 2055: (under RockMonsterTypes { ... }):

delete the ";" in front of

		Spider					CreaturesSpider



The Scorpion

		Scorpion {
			Levels			1
			RouteSpeed			0.8
			TrackDist			10.0
			CollRadius			4.0
			CollHeight			2.0

			RandomMove			TRUE
			PickSphere			10.0
			AlertRadius			40.0
			CrossLand			TRUE

			DontShowDamage		TRUE
			DontShowOnRadar		TRUE
			RubbleCoef			0.6
			ScaredByBigBangs	TRUE
			CanBeShotAt			FALSE


Also replace with the original text. Then go to these lines

about 1949, 1999 and 2059

and delete the ";" in front of the scorpionish entries (they look similar to the ones written for the Spider)




The Snake

		Snake {
			Levels			1
			RouteSpeed			0.5
			TrackDist			10.0
			CollRadius			3.0

			RandomMove			TRUE
			CollHeight			2.0
			PickSphere			10.0
			AlertRadius			40.0
			CrossLand			TRUE

			DontShowDamage		TRUE

			DontShowOnRadar		TRUE
			RubbleCoef			0.5
			ScaredByBigBangs	TRUE


Replace with original text, go to following lines

about 1948, 1998 and 2058

and also delete the ";" in front of the entries written for the snake.




Now you can either use the spider/scorpion/snake as custom objects in new levels/edited levels or you go to the Level Section and replace e.g. RockMonster as EmergeCreature with Spider/Scorpion/Snake






If you have problems or if errors occur please let me know ;)

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Too many to count.




That's not even half of the Modding Tutorials section. There are other sections. We might want to review these to see if they're up to date and I can make them visible as needed. I'll probably throw a bunch into the contributor lounge for review and editing so there's actually something to do in that section.

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