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Lego Racers 2 EXE Parameters


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Fluffy Cupcake

ok, so I know what /startpos and /racers does.

/startpos will only work if you you reduce the amount racers which has to be done with /racers. (or you could just use CE to swap yours and the cpu's starting position.) The amount of /racers has to be from 1-8, same goes with /startpos.

I don't know how /startpos messed up the bonus game earlier, but it did. Because I tried taking it off, and it didn't do it anymore and when I put it back on it did it again, so I know it caused it.

And Cyrem, you should be updating the parameter list.

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  • 2 years later...

The list of parameters chart is completely broken, Cyrem. Also, some people are saying that it needs updating, but I haven't read the topic close enough to see if they have already been added.

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Fluffy Cupcake

I knew it was broken a long time ago... never said anything though because I didn't want to double post. :P

Also, despite the breaking happening after updates needed, it still has not been updated.

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never said anything though because I didn't want to double post




it has been over 137 weeks since your last post. That's 960 days. How the frost would this be...even...I...what?

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Fluffy Cupcake

I think I just became lazy... hoping Cyrem would fix it without me having to say anything, because it wasn't of great importance for the most part.

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  • 1 month later...

/hz...possibly the sound frequency for the music?


I would expect this to be the refresh rate of the screen. You could try to put it to 60, though I'm not sure if it'd help since pretty much all computers can run the game at that rate today anyway.

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  • 5 months later...

/height and /width are resolution params.  They are used like this /height 768 /width 1024  Can you update that?  I presume the /windowy and /windowx are similar in the way they work.  I just used them to make a larger window.  You can also specify a widerscreen format through them and the render with be correct ie circles in the races are actually circles.  Just the fixed res components will be distorted.

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  • 5 months later...

You cannot start a new adventure with /nosfx enabled. It will crash upon loading the introductory cutscene. I would know, I did this four times (the last two figuring out what was going on).

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  • 5 months later...

Huge brain dump incoming


The param /backlevel changes the program's current directory. 


/levelname is used for setting jump-points. Maybe the dev's were too lazy (heh)

Game Datascripts<LEVENAME>Jump Point%s %s.txt

Oh, and it's used to define the world name in the Saved Worlds folder.

Game DataSaved Worlds%s.wrl

All params:

.data:0054A690 0000000B C /backlevel       
.data:00549E68 00000005 C /bpp             
.data:0053F9E8 00000006 C /cars            
.data:00549E5C 00000008 C /device          
.data:0053F9DC 00000009 C /explore         
.data:0053E738 00000007 C /foyer           
.data:00549E70 00000008 C /height          
.data:0054A678 00000012 C /highqualitysound
.data:0053E78C 0000000B C /levelname       
.data:0053E998 00000011 C /loadcontroldata 
.data:0054A664 00000011 C /lowqualitysound 
.data:0053E898 00000009 C /nomusic         
.data:0053F9C8 00000007 C /nosfx           
.data:00549E38 00000009 C /options         
.data:0053E4DC 0000000A C /overdraw        
.data:0053F9D4 00000008 C /racers          
.data:0053E974 00000011 C /savecontroldata 
.data:0053EAFC 00000008 C /script          
.data:00542DA4 0000000A C /startpos        
.data:0053E730 00000007 C /track           
.data:00549E78 00000007 C /width           
.data:00549E44 0000000A C /windowed        
.data:0054A0FC 00000009 C /windowx         
.data:0054A0F0 00000009 C /windowy         
.data:00549E50 0000000B C /wireframe       


Some game Managers I found:


Game Manager:Battle Manager
Foyer Manager
Text Box Manager
Secondary Manager
SecondaryFX Manager
Menu Manager
Network App Layer <--------
Bodypart Manager

I reversed also the WinMain function:
(I failed the LABEL_TAKE_SCREENSHOT with the LABEL_MAIN_LOOP, sorry for that)
There are also some network settings and strings, like


Asked to become the new host

DirectPlay peer info....
Network packets.
Network receive buffer..Creating


It seems they used DirectPlay for multiplayer support.
(Back in that days, game development was not fun at all, because the companies gave the devs a time limit)
BUT there are many network functions in the game still available, and the basic code is written down.
(If you know what I mean) ( :D)
 And there is a sea level testing class.
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