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What Are You Thankful For?




For those of you who live outside the US and don't know, Thanks Giving is a holiday in America where we take a moment to look at all the things we are grateful for. Typically for Thanks Giving, a big feast is held with the main food item being cooked turkey; which means a lot of us will likely be offline this Thursday for Thanks Giving (as we'll all be too fat, lazy, and happy as a cat to get out of bed to get on the computer).

Even if you live outside the US, and aren't going to hold a celebration of your own, I invite you to participate in this blog and share with us what you're thankful for, since I personally am thankful for all of my foreign friends here on RRU.

So to start off, I'd like to say thank you to these specific people from RRU:







Sadie Meowsalot

The Doctor

Lair of Rockwhales



Believe it or not, all of you have helped me some way, some how, in accruing knowledge and inspiration these last couple of years, but of course I consider all of you my friends as well. :) (and if you're name wasn't mentioned, don't take it personally yeah? these are just the names that came off the top of my head ;P )

This might seem trivial/standard to some of you, but something that's particularly important to me is my family who've been helping me through life this past 6 months. I've been working odd jobs here and there to make money, since I'm starting to pay my own bills. This time next year, hopefully I'll be completely on my own (or at least capable of living on my own), but I couldn't be where I am in my schooling without help from my parents and my brother particularly. So I'm very thankful for them.

I'm also thankful for forgiveness, as I recently restored a near-lost friendship with a dear friend of mine (in real life). I was a selfish jerk, and ended up losing contact with her for 4 months. I was a little depressed/guilt-ridden during those 4 months, and some of you may have noticed it in the way I expressed myself. So I'm sorry to all of you that I may have offended/upset as a result.

Then of course, there's all the gimmicks in life that we tend to take for granted. Maybe some of you can find some I may miss here off the top of my head. ;P

I'm thankful for:




Air conditioning









A house





Video games






... (blarg, gotta get back to class, lunch is out)



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You've got a nice list up there. :)

What I'm thankful for?

1. I'll sum it up with everything. Even the bad experiences in my life have all turned out for good :)

What? Fine. Elaborating a bit:

1. My family. Best guys ever.

2. My two closest friends. Ones been there my whole life to help me (and trust me, he's done that a bunch), and the other recently joined in that crusade.

3. All my other friends. They've helped quite a bit :)

4. Rock Raiders. I wouldn't be who I am if it were not for this game.

5. RRU. I have no idea where I'd be in programming right now if it were not for this awesome community :)

6. Our house. It used to be utter crap, but it was better than living on the streets. Now, it's the pride of the neighborhood :D

7. This country. I wouldn't have the opportunities to do what I'm doing how I'm doing it right now if I lived somewhere else.


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im not in america but

im thankfull for:

1.mah family

2. my good good good friends (extreme, sadie and veld)

3.my pc :af:

4.the licences for all the engines and some secret stuff that i wont tell you

5. the internet :af:

6. my house

5. rru , without you guys i wouldnt be on the internet anymore , without you i just had a live full of partys , drugs and alcohol

thankyou :3

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Well, thank you man. I feel loved now that I'm on that list ;P

Anyways, this is what I'd like to thank on this day we Australians don't recognise:

  • All my friends, real life, internet and all RRU members
  • My crappy PC
  • My fantastic internet connection
  • My couch I sleep on
  • My LEGO pistol (got me out of some interesting situations...)
  • My new phone
  • Skype, MSN and all that crap
  • Swear-Words
  • Christmas and Birthdays
  • My Unicorn, "The Steen Stallion"
  • My Papercraft guys
  • Weekends
  • All the Australian Diggers who have fought/are fighting for our freedom
  • Mexico

Peace out, home dogs.

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I was surprised to see my name within that list of people, especially with all the constant trolling I'm doing within chat, so that I am thankful for.

I am also thankful for the following:

1. RRU. This has been a place of refuge for me from the constant conflict I was once met with in the animal community. More importantly, without it, I'd not have the friends I'm currently in contact with on Skype.

2. The Animal Community of FB. While quite hostile, without it I don't believe I'd be the person I am today.

3. My family.

My list isn't too extensive, and I'm sure there's much more that could be added to that list, however I'm just listing the primary things, the things I'm most thankful for, and in the absence of which I'd probably not be living the happiest life at present.

So, in conclusion I'd like to thank all the members of RRU for their kindness, helpfulness, lunacy they exhibited, and just general good nature. It's been fun, my friends.

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I'm thankful for people that make NPL scripts for me. It's the one thing that I really need help with and I'm lucky that there are so many programmers around here that have the patience and skills to make these scripts.

Also biome artists and level makers. Just people in general that do favours for me.

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im thankful for this holiday as we get to consume mass ammounts of delicious food then go int oa food coma, it is like my lifes purpose on one day :)

edit: im also thankful for my parents giving life to me, an event, without which, i would not be here to enjoy food, who else is thankful their parents gave birth to them?

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Huh, yeah, us North Americans sure take a lot of things for granted.

I'm thankful for everything God has provided us. Even though we may evilly use them for our own nasty deeds. :/

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everything God has provided us

Yes, because a star lights the planet which grows plants which feeds animals which we eat. Oh, sorry, God does all that. Forgot.

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Yeah, God sure created the Sun alright, (and all the stars moons and planets, and light!) and don't you forget it!

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I'm thankful for Skittles. And I'm thankful for EVERYONE!!! Because without EVERYONE!!! I would not be the cynical, un-trusting, untrustworthy... um... person that I am today. And I like this new me!

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Im thankful for a day off and a big Roast Turkey feast.Mmmm.... I can taste it already.

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