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If The Boot Fits...




...put it on and kick the idiot nearest to you as hard as you can. Normally, I wouldn't say something like that, or even right a blog entry. I've become bored with the norm, and even more bored with being Mr. nice guy, always has something supportive to say. I recently discovered a fine art. An art utilized by many, and abused by even more. My friends, this art is trolling, and if you have any complaints about it, I suggest you GET THE F(first party censor) out of my blog and go find a new tissue box to depopulate. Trolling is fun, and counter trolling is even more fun. Unfortunately, there are many soft shelled people in this world, (including my former self) that take offense to being laughed at. I love doing insipid acts of pure testosterone for the LOLs. Maybe you think getting yelled at is scary, or even run and hide when confronted. Too bad. There's no shortage of stupidity, and even less so of exasperation with the fools that surround oneself. (although with correct rebuke they cease to become fools and become one's wingmen while committing equally inane acts.)

Now that the rant part is over, it's time for the sane part. I'm not advocating a liberal application of trolling, rather, I encourage its precise and concentrated deliverance, which elicits hilarious bewilderment, confusion, and unbridled rage in the victim. If you're a good troll, these emotions will be red-hot in the victim when the trolling occurs, and when a similar act happens to be your destiny, you silently ignore it, essentially WT mind F'ing the countertroller. It's moments like these that make the internet interesting. I need not tell you of the countless playful trollwars I have almost ritualistically with my cousins. It's good to troll and be trolled. It gives you a new outlook on life, it broadens your pain threshold, and it relieves a helluva lot of stress.

Now for the grand finale:

I'm a troll. I'll gladly attest to various acts of secret and blatantly public acts of pure deviousness. It was none other than I who lit the Sonic idol on the rru-stuff minecraft server and gleefully watched it burn as my victim flustered and cussed nonsensically. ("That f*** man!" ???) It was also I who, after dealing with none other than the legendary "[s2]bobbel" of Spring, made an alliance with the opposing team via Spring IRC and had him massacred in the front and then commbombed. It was also I who "modified" the Sonic statue to give the image of a urinating Nazi. I feel no remorse for these acts. I thought they were funny. I've also committed many other trolls that I don't feel the need to reveal yet. Feel free to do whatever you want to my minecraft house on rru-stuff, I had everything I wanted in it and I was bored.

To conclude:

I'm no longer the mild-mannered RM you thought you knew. I'm a much bolder, emotionally enlightened version of myself, capable of much greater hilarity than previously thought. LZ, if you read this, we gotta talk again. If the 322s read this, I apologize for the inconvenience I caused you, but growing a pair and loading up on the testosterone might not only grant you love with REAL GIRLS but may also increase your desire for manly acts of awesomeness and decrease ignorance. Acmex, it's been too long since we've mindlessly hurled trebuchets at each other. Anonymouse: IRC is boring. Come on Spring more! Addict: You're lucky to be naturally nice. Lair: You've probably contributed more to this community in the way of research than anyone else, don't lose heart. Doc: keep up the good work. Zephyria: Dun worry, you'll find someone. Cyrem: ...do whatever you want to me after reading this. Extreme: I want that cookbook. If you'd like to be mentioned and you're not here, please leave me a message after the beep. Thanks. You son of a BiBEEP



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Secondly, trolling is fun, and good for your health. So go ahead, troll me. I don't take offense to stuff on the internet, so I'm happy to have you unload your worst on me (take that the otherway and you're dead).

Thirdly, said book is on the way. Along with someother stuff. I'll talk more about it with you in your PMs.

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I ignore it for the most part, but when I don't, expect a swift end as I will find a winnable arguement that will stop the trollfest.

Rock Raider Criminal Investigation Divsion inbound!

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I make people cry when I troll.Is I doing it right?

Not in a long shot.

@RockmoddeR, dunno if you read it but a while back I gave some instructions on how to use a printer and some trollfaces to make school students lives a misery. You wanna know? Also, does the cookbook include any trolling techniques?

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I know the old trollface printer trick. The cookbook has some EXCELLENT school trolls in the Anarchist Cookbook 2004\Additions\022.txt file.

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I know the old trollface printer trick. The cookbook has some EXCELLENT school trolls in the Anarchist Cookbook 2004\Additions\022.txt file.

Ah good. I was hoping you'd find it interesting...I'm just interested in the hacking and explosive tutorials.

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