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My Minecraft Walkthrough Part 1: The First Day




Welcome to the world of Minecraft where you can build, mine and most certainly kill!

This walkthrough will help you in surviving in the mystical world of Minecraft!

Your first night

Ahh, so we have teleported into the pixel world of Minecraft, we must get done quick before the dangerous mobs come.

First look for some trees, go to the closest tree and get some wood by hitting the tree, then find the next closest and so on until you have 10-15-20 wood, then go into your inventory and put the wood in the 2x2 crafting area, you should end up with wooden planks, 1 piece of wood = 4 wooden planks.

If you have at least 4 planks put them in all 4 places of the crafting area, you should end up with a 3x3 crafting table which let you craft items the 2x2 crafting are can't.

Now you will need to make a house, find a good area, perhaps near Coal, which is essential later on. Try and make a 4x4 house with the planks, don't forget to make a roof as Spiders can get in from the top and end your Minecraft life quiet quickly.

You will also need a door which requires six planks, here is a example (X means a wooden plank)

[x][x][ ]

[x][x][ ]

[x][x][ ]

Now you will need to make a Pickaxe, however you first need sticks, to make sticks to this with two wooden planks, you should get 4 (Sticks can be crafted in a 2x2 square aswell

[x][ ]

[x][ ]

Now that you have sticks you need either of the following material: Wooden Planks, Cobblestone, Iron, Gold, Diamond. If you have at least 3 of these materials follow this grid. (S means stick and M means the material)


[ ][ ]

[ ][ ]

The pickaxe will mine the Coal which is needed to make candles for you to see in your house. If you have got the coal you will need to do the following to make a candle

[ ][C][ ]

[ ][ ]

After doing all these you should be good to go and should survive your first night

P.S. If you're low on health kill a pig then eat it's loot


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