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Brain dumping ground

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How minifigures see the world







Minifigures are poor defenceless creatures that only live to build. It's the one thing they know. They live in a world where the only places they can build are flat planes, which are few and far between. The horrible world they live in is filled with savage giants, completely disregarding the poor minifigures. They even move and destroy their creations that they've worked so hard on.




But the only places that can provide them with building space are within the giants' fortresses. However, there are some giants that pay attention and empathise with the minifigure race. They provide a safe place to build and the bricks needed as well. The minifigures work with what they're given. Some nice giants are younger and less intelligent, and have a harder time catering to their minifigures.




Others are wiser and help them greatly. But the other giants despise the outcasts. They attempt to take away and damage the minifigures' safe space. This makes space even more limited. But the nice giants grouped together and formed communities. The minifigures dubbed these "Afols". And the war for minifigure freedom continues.




Conflict due to limited area arises in the safe spaces as well. Minifigures fight desperately, sometimes violently, for room to build, and even try to convince their giants to help them as well.




But the giants guide the minifigures to make peace. This is the story of the minifigure. And it continues with you.



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