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I'm running a stream and I need viewer input




I know that, at this moment of time, most of the members in the US will be asleep, but could at least someone give me a suggestion for my mapping stream?

You'll find the stream here; http://www.twitch.tv/fred_cop


And, yes, I'm getting desperate.



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I don't have a Twitch account and I don't plan making one anytime soon... Could you make it so that guests can chat as well (if that's even a thing)?

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Guest chat isn't a thing I don't think. Imagine the spam of anonymous/guests on large streams.


I know how that can be Ben. 1 constant viewer with other come-and-goers is enough to make me do an 8 hour stream. 0 viewers is enough to make me do 1 hour before deciding it is pointless.

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I know how that can be Ben. 1 constant viewer with other come-and-goers is enough to make me do an 8 hour stream. 0 viewers is enough to make me do 1 hour before deciding it is pointless.

In this case, hardly anyone was around, making the stream last a total of 2 minutes.

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