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What Bugs Me Most About Mass Effect...




We have technology in the modern day called "Video Cameras". Most of our mobile and desktop technology now comes bundles with some form of "web camera", we have VR sensors like the Kinect and LeapMotion. Many vehicles, including trucks, buses and police cars have cameras installed to record incidents that might occur on the road. Many places in public we visit also use Video Cameras to record for security purposes. Most importantly, a significant number of people doing incredible physical activities, from snowboarders to surfers to Police/SWAT officers to Military Personnel all use Video Camera technology (such as the GoPro) to record the things they do from their own perspective.

A hundred and eighty years in the future, why the f**** aren't military personnel on extremely important missions in dangerous territory given any kind of camera to record what happens to them?

We know that other sci-fi games like Halo have this tech. We know that recording hardware exists in Mass Effect, since it's used consistently throughout the series. We know that a lot of the headwear Shepard and Co use can be fitted with all kinds of crazy and awesome tools.

If Shepard had just recorded his incident with the Prothean Beacon and his conversation with Sovereign, the council (even "Reapers" Turian) would have HAD to agree about the existence of Reapers, and as such the galaxy could have probably prepared a lot earlier.

Now, granted, it probably wouldn't have done *that* much in the long run, but at least we'd be all feeling a little less annoyed by the Council.

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I can tell you this much: It was probably done like this just to keep the plot going.

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Perhaps military personal have some sort of technology that prevents them from being recorded. It might seem odd, but such technology would be extremely important; no one would want those tapes falling into enemy hands.


Either that, or, because as you mentioned, there are lots of security cameras nowadays, in the the not so far future, a state that watches every move of the citizens comes to exist. Eventually, they rebel and subsequently ban video surveillance cameras. Again, it seems odd, but this kind of backlash happens. This is why unless you are a Jainist, you can't have any swastikas in Germany, even though the Nazis were exclusively the only ones in the millennia of its existence that used it to symbolize anything other than peace or good luck. Of course who's going to tell the Germans not to ban swastikas? After the Nazis, who would blame them? Similarly, after dealing with a surveillance state, who would blame the future people for banning surveillance cameras?


Sure, it's probably just lazy programmers. But where's the fun in that explanation?

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They HAD Surveilance cameras. Remember the Eden Prime video feed?

Guess Bioware's writers just got lazy.

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"Ah yes, 'reapers.' We have dismissed that claim."


"But I have video evidence right here."


"It's shopped. I can tell from some of the pixels and from having seen quite a few shops in my time."


"Damn. And this was my favorite shop on the Citadel too."

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