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Fourth-ward March.




I totally didn't even plan that pun 4 years ago.

So. 27/03/2014. Heh. Never really thought I'd make it this far without dying by train, being sent to a loony bin or wasting away on alcohol. And while those things have all been pretty close to happening, here I still am.

The Austrexican Lives. The Pants Enforcers reigns supreme.

4 years ago, I found a little email in my old High School email account. Supposedly, I had seen RRU at some stage, and signed up for a newsletter...without registering. The logic is mind-bending. Regardless, a much younger, and grammatically-incorrect, smilie-hating me made some kind of odd judgement call.

I want to join this website.

Maybe it was the tools. Maybe it was the chance for a community. Maybe I was bored and drinking lots of coke. We'll never really know. What we do know is that stupid me posted all my personal information and a link to a broken free forum for a mod project that was never feasible in the first place, and yet probably is the reason I'm in Game Design right now. Talk about lunacy.

I'm not exactly sure why I decided to stay for longer than it took to write the introduction. Most of the time, I join a website to download the cool stuff I need, and then run like a panicked maniac. Yet, somehow, the illustrious charm of RRU shined through. The awesome members, the active modding community (in the Renaissance period of LegoRR modding), the chance to get one of the useless things I say quoted...I didn't know Heaven could be coded in HTML.

I don't think I have enough time, coke or words to describe the vast history that's happened, or the magnitude of the effects RRU has had on me. Frankly, the way I see it, if I hadn't of click that link in 2010, life would be a right PoS.

I'm not exactly sure what to do to say thank you. If I'm honestly, I've been pretty lazy about preparing for this entire thing. Lazy being one of my main attributes, as I'm sure every member who ever heard of 7EPS knows about.

I guess I might as well do two things.

The first is "The Package". It's kind of a nice collection of RRU tributes. All the images I've collected from our Skype chats, alongside all of the RRU-related audio, and some other stuff I located. It's not really the super amazing present I'm sure some of you would be interested in, but hey, at least it's not a screenshot of a poorly constructed LDD model...

I've also dumped in a few images from my travels in Australia. Again, nothing fantastic, but hopefully you'll get a bit of a chuckle from something.


Secondly...I guess a few kind words are in order for some of the older members. No disrespect intended to the newer members (even those who I regularly have a go at), but it's hard for me to say much when our entire conversations were "DO NOT BUMP THIS 50 YEAR OLD THREAD HOW COULD YOU THREAD BUMPING KILLS KITTENS DO YOU LOVE KITTENS YOU ARE A KITTEN MURDERER HOW COULD YOU?!?!?!?!?!1111?"

Without further ado, and in the order of greatest hair;

  • Sideburnsy. Let's get the record straight. If your glorious chops were any larger, I could probably climb them like Jack and the Beanstalk. Seriously though, I don't know if any other single member has really inspired me as much as you have. You're like Einstein without the accent. Whether or not Time Raiders will ever reach the door is irrelevant. You're an incredible dude, so keep at it. Thanks for not sending this account to the deepest pits of hell!
  • Addict. I don't know if you're reading this, but with the insane programming quirks you've developed, I'm pretty sure you've built some kind of surveillance system capable of detecting terribly constructed praise. I don't doubt for a second you've got a legendary status ahead of you. You have a dream, a passion, skills with programming languages I can't even imagine in dreams of having, and the rampant insanity to knock the other freeloaders in line. Whatever happens with your projects, I look forward to seeing what you create. It's going to be crazy.
  • Antilles. If anybody can put up with me delaying watching their favourite show for a good long while, that deserves a badge of honour. More importantly, somebody who can bring a smile to a really pissed of Australian probably deserves a cold, frosty beer on the house. I swear, if you keep up the logical and sound reasoning you always have, I'm probably going to start imagining you as my conscious. Then again, considering you are the smart one, that's probably not a bad thing. As with the above two, you've got a huge amount of talent. You know what to do. Finish the fight.
  • McStudz. Where would I be without the Can-I-be-LZ-adian warrior? That said, I think we all know you're the one who's doing his best to try and get the News Team to be doing their job...reporting stories about Twitch Plays Pokemon. But, who am I kidding? A cheery attitude, a positive thinker, apparently a very talented musician and a good friend. These forums wouldn't be the same without our resident Maple Syrup Aficionado. I can't really say just how big you're going to be, mainly since I haven't seen your dongle. But, seriously, you've got a f****ing future ahead of you. Just be ready for whatever comes your way. Now, let's just promise not to slice each others necks next time a forum war lashes out, right?
  • Alcom the Acorn Baker. I'm not sure what's more hilarious, your constant deadpan snarkiness or the image of your pants-on-head-wearing-Minifigure roasting over a chestnut fire. Of course, I'm kidding. You remind me of one of the Master Builders. I can't say which one, since you seem to be better than all of them combined. Normally I get jealous of skilled LEGO builders easy, but with you I think I might just be a fan. You've got an incredible talent, and I know you're also trying your damned hardest to be an awesome Game Designer/Programmer/someone in computers in case my memory is mistaking you for another LEGO nut. I can tell you, you're going to achieve everything you want to achieve. Just don't ever let go of that snark; it's sometimes the only thing that cheers me up on a s***ty day.
  • Drill Master. I'm not really sure one can master drilling, but you've proven you can master just about everything else. So long as that doesn't include driving, choosing between lyrics and not lyrics, and figuring out if I know what a pound key is. If I were a Forerunner, I'd sure as hell be praising you right now. I know things might not be looking so grand, but with a little bit of optimism, you'll reach far. Just remember to keep creating. It doesn't matter what, just so long as it's awesome, which I know you can do. And please, if you get the Forward Until Dawn set, don't brag about it. I will actually hunt you down and kill you. Maybe.
  • (Cell) Shading. Once upon a time far, far ago, two mortal enemies duked it out constantly in the Shoutbox. Who could ever imagine them becoming good friends? I surely can't, WHO THE f**** SAYS HALO IS SH...I mean, coming all the way from my first RRU enemy to my trusted sauce of what's good or not in Sony/gaming in general, I don't think I could be happier with the result. You got an amazing charm, and we share pretty similar opinions about the leagues of stupidity on the Internet...aka, Tumblr. Don't ever let the assholes get to you. You're a damn inspiration, and I have many thanks to give you for the f****ing incredible 4 years. Let's go raid Micro$hit sometime.
  • Pascal. I think we both know exactly what's up. Loud beats, enough weed to cover a forest floor and a bunch of girls who need a right slapping. There's really not much I can say to you without coming off as a kind of insane, obsessed lunatic. I'll spare you the details and keep it short and sweet; you've got the passion and the talent to make crazy and awesome games. I'm pretty sure you've also been hiding from me some DJ talent. Don't ever give up. You're going to run The Pascalands soon enough.
  • Tauka. I still remember the early days, and you decided to charge head-first into the fray. So long ago. We've spoken so little since, which is a real shame, since you're a f****ing nice guy. I'm pretty sure you've done some awesome drawing work, so keep it up. You've got a great talent.
  • Kir(k)by. If I knew programmers could come with the fantastic British wit and accent that you do, I probably would have signed up ages ago. I'm not really sure why we got lucky enough to draw you into this muddled mess of insanity and sloppy hardcode, but frankly, I'm pretty glad you're in with the rest of us. You're an awesome, level headed coded with industry experience and somebody who I respect far more than the things they work on. You've got a crazy awesome future ahead of you, so long as you don't get nailed by Nintendo QA first. I'm excited to see where you're going to go from here.
  • Xiron, Le717, Fush, pranciblad, jimbob, prototyke, gryhpon. Unfortunately, I can't really say we've had enough interacts for me to give you a personalised message that makes no sense, and I know a fair few of us have had..."creative" differences in the past, but needless to say, you've all grown on me in some way. And thankfully, I don't mean like genital warts. You're all pillars of the community, as far as I'm concerned. Don't ever stop being as awesome as you have, especially in the face of assholes like me. You keep this community together. And insult the living s*** out of Tumblr, which I like.
  • Doc. Hi.
  • Joe. If you're reading this, GET BACK TO WORK. WE HAVE AN ISLAND TO CONQUER.

There's people I've probably missed, and members who will likely never return again, so to anyone who is missing a message, just imagine a generic thank you being shouted by an army of killer robots shooting fireworks. That'll be exciting enough.

Now, there's two members I did miss. Not to pick out favourites or go insane fanboy or anything, but for whatever reason, my brain's decided these guys deserve a few more crappy jokes than the rest.

  • Jamesster. Jimmy Jams. Customer Sir Mounted. I'm not sure if you're actually a LEGO manager who happens to be so disillusioned by the new LEGO games but can't get access to the old products and their code, and so goes undercover as just a regularly-incredible fan in some kind of weird bid to try and save LEGO Media from itself. If someone were to tell me years ago I'd be even able to talk to the Lord of LEGO Fans, I would have punched them in the face to make them sure they're probably dreaming. I still remember seeing your obsession with everything LEGO start to spread through the forums, and going, "I'll never get respect from that guy. How the hell is he even on RRU? We're just some pokey old game website..." I'm pretty sure you're probably waiting for the day you can finish me off, steal my game design books and run into GDC screaming "I am now the Confucius of Game Design! Fear me and my bricky ways!" Nonetheless, you've been one of the most interesting people to talk to, and to watch you develop your game ideas has been nothing short of inspiring. I don't want to start any wars or say anybody is better than anybody else, but as far as you are concerned, I can already see this brilliant designer with the awesome ideas right in front of him. Just keep calm, get the spicy pizzaz, and do what you were born to do. Make me look like one of those LU fangame kiddes.
  • Cyrem. Lord Mercy. Darth Vader. Every name under the sun. Being a part of this...*vibrant* community probably wouldn't have been possible if I didn't have another fellow Australian to share some sweet tunes with. I don't even know what words can describe what you've done for me. It's not just music, it's not just member ranks, and it's not just the things we've discussed. This whole experience has been more-or-less your doing. In a way, you're like a crazy being in the sky. You've created this little world inside the middle of world's greatest battlefield, and even with all the nukes we've dropped on ourselves, you managed to keep this ship (or building) running as long as possible. There's no denying Cirevam's incredible ability to be an awesome admin, and you've moved on to some FANTASTIC things which I look forward to seeing more of in the future, but nonetheless. I think legend would be quite insulting to you. You're way above that. Thank you for everything, sir.

I remember sometime ago being called a "Kangaroo-loving Douche-bag". Well, I can tell you that now I'm a kangaroo-loving douche-bag...with purple hair.

Keep up the awesome times, RRU. Let's hope for another awesome 5 years.



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"Well, I can tell you that now I'm a kangaroo-loving douche-bag...with purple hair."

And (an ever-important) pair of pants.

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This is an automated message generated by the "poorly constructed praise" detection system, also known as PPDS®.

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Thanks for reading the newsletter & thanks for being the Pants Authoritah for so many years.


It's been great having another aussie here that I can easily relate to and get on ( unless it's orgin, then it's war :D ) And of all the jokes, I'll remember you as a coke addict :P


I have no doubt you'll be working on some big stuff in the future and I'll be the dude going "I know that guy!!" ... and who knows, one day my might even see eachother.


And if Leonardo D is even in a movie about RRU, this is the crying scene he's been waiting for:

(The download is broken btw)


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(The download is broken btw)

Broke it on purpose because it contained a few things it shouldn't have. I'll reupload when I can.
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No disrespect intended to the newer members (even those who I regularly have a go at), but it's hard for me to say much when our entire conversations were "DO NOT BUMP THIS 50 YEAR OLD THREAD HOW COULD YOU THREAD BUMPING KILLS KITTENS DO YOU LOVE KITTENS YOU ARE A KITTEN MURDERER HOW COULD YOU?!?!?!?!?!1111?"

Ah, great times. :P


And you deserve some praise yourself. I know this is me saying it to you, a NZ-er who lives across the ditch, but let's forget that for a small while. You've been a great almost-moderator, and have been relentless in yelling at bumps. (I know I made quite a few :P) You're a great part of this community, and often you bring a smile to a heavy school day with that Quotes topic.



I aren't too fond of smilies. They give me the creeps.
Oops. :P
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@Addict At least you are second. I would not even be in the running for sideburn consideration. :P


Yes, more than one you and I have had our differences ("creative" or not), but you so perfectly said, you too have "grown on me". There was a point I tried to avoid you, fearing what you might say to/about me. Now, I look forward to seeing if you are online. IDK why. Maybe it is your talk of video game design that goes over my head and amazes me that you know so much. Maybe it was that Family Wot I Fink post I felt like it spoke directly to me. Maybe those fights helped me see you in a different light, who knows. All I know is, you, McJobless, you are truly a foundation to RRU. If you were to suddenly leave, I'd think the whole atmosphere would change. You bring humor, light, and much needed "newbie topic laws" to this forum, and I am most thankful for it. Here's to another four years, and I do hope in the near future we will have more "encounters" of the third kind and get to know each other better. :)

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While you may find my manner of speech and what might be called occasional Puritanism annoying, I hope that you understand that I do you respect you. Indeed, you are clearly an intelligent fellow, and a person with heart. Your writings on what makes a fun game, for example, I found fascinating and insightful. So, I give you my best wishes. Here's to another four years!

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Cheers, mate. It's been a wild ride so far. I trust you won't be stepping off anytime soon.

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