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Attention all Skyrim modders and fans!




I would like all you Skyrim fans/modders on RRU (if there are any) to read this.

A little over two months ago, I joined a project called Beyond Skyrim. The goal of this project is to enable the player to travel "beyond Skyrim". And we need all the help we can get. So, if you have any skills in level design, modeling, texturing, writing, scripting, composing music, concept art, voice acting, or even being an "ideas guy", we'd be glad if you would be interested in helping us.

Now, I'm going to explain a bit further what this is all about.

Beyond Skyrim has been in development since before the release of Skyrim. I'm not sure exactly when it started. But anyway, the project's goal is to add new, fully explorable provinces to TES V: Skyrim.

At the moment, the project consists of 8 teams (listed below).

  • Cyrodiil: Seat of Sundered Kings - Located in the heart of Tamriel (the province TES IV: Oblivion takes place in). Home of the Imperials.
  • Elsweyr - Located in southern Tamriel. Home of the Khajiit.
  • Hammerfell - Located in western Tamriel (one of the provinces TES II: Daggerfall takes place in). Home of the Redguard.
  • High Rock: The Direnni West - Located in north-western Tamriel (one of the provinces TES II: Daggerfall takes place in). Home of the Breton.
  • Orsinium - Located in the mountains between Hammerfell, High Rock and Skyrim. Home of the Orcs.
  • Return to Morrowind - Located in eastern Tamriel (the province TES III: Morrowind takes place in). Home of the Dunmer.
  • Roscrea - A small island north-east of Tamriel.
  • Valenwood - Located in south-western Tamriel. Home of the Bosmer.

All of these provinces will be built on top of our custom heightmap, made by the awesome Morcroft Darkes. You probably don't know who is, but that doesn't matter. He's still awesome.

The original plan was to have a completely borderless world. No loading screens, no invisible walls, etc. So you could walk from High Rock all the way to Elsweyr without any loading screens. This soon turned out to be impossible, due to a bug in the game's Havok engine. So we had to split it into 3 separate worldspaces: Iliac Bay (High Rock and Hammerfell), Heartland (Cyrodiil, Elsweyr and Valenwood) and Morrowind.

Picture of the heightmap:


Each province will also have:

  • A main quest
  • A bunch of side quests
  • Fully voiced NPCs (hopefully...)
  • Unique music
  • Custom models and textures
  • Hundreds of dungeons and interiors

So, yeah. Basically, we're creating an entirely new game for each province. Sounds crazy, I know... But we're a lot of people working on this.

If you're interested in joining, or just want to check it out, you can do that here: http://www.darkcreations.org/

And don't worry, we're serious and focus more on quality rather than how fast we can release stuff.

moar links:




moar screenshots:

NOTE: These are all WIP screenshots.

gallery_944_126_171251.pngBruma (Cyrodiil)

gallery_1007_170_201948.jpgMenevia (High Rock)

8521508284_7329286c83_h.jpgAlik'r Desert (Hammerfell)

gallery_1159_37_65440.jpgCrane Shore (Roscrea)

ke0a.pngSome place in Valenwood

gallery_825_103_419410.jpgWest Reach (Hammerfell)


9573316367_ba1c57fc41_o.jpgCyrodiil farm house tileset

med_gallery_324_24_216954.jpgEvermore (High Rock)



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Woah, I had no idea people were attempting such a massive Skyrim project -- and are so far into it.


Also, the image for "Some place in Valenwood" is broken.

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For one, S0d, do you know the lore behind each and every province of Tamriel? it seems to be mainly for people who've played EVERYTHING, including the god f****ING awful Arena.

...Also, we need more references to Jagar Tharn.

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No, I don't. I know very little lore compared to most other project members. And most members, including me, have only played the "newer" games (Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind). And yes, I agree with you, the older games are f****ing awful.

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Daggerfall was EXCELLENT if you could get into it and change the controls to something a bit more modern...
Arena, however...

Cyrodil, if you want, Could maybe have a secret sect trying to (Unsucessfully) bring Jagar Tharn back to life.

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