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Biweekly Update #3: Things that bug me




Oh, it's been two weeks already? Definitely snuck up on me there. (Guess what? Chrome's spell check insists that "snuck" isn't a word. Chrome user, try it. Type in "snuck" and behold the dreaded red underline.)

Ehem. SO.

What's new in the life and times of Fush?

Well I've bought several DLC maps in FE Awakening. I have the Lost Bloodlines pack and the Smash Brethren pack. I have enough credit left for one more map pack but can't decide on one.

Also, as mentioned in my last status, the music. These DLC maps have legacy music, returning themes from previous Fire Emblem titles. I love it. But as I just discovered, while you can replay a DLC map as many times as you like after clearing it, the music gets replaced with a generic "random encounter" theme. BS. I love the DLC, I love EVERYTHING about Awakening, so don't let this one complaint reflect poorly on the rest of the game. But this is BS. I payed for that music, dammit!

Speaking of Awakening, I am currently on chapter 25, which is the last chapter before the final boss. So almost complete. I just can't seem to get motivated to finish it, which is why I've been playing DLC to procrastinate.

Soon, though. Very soon.

Haven't really been playing much of anything lately. A little Castlevania, a little Fire Emblem, and that's it really.

I'm planning to start LPing sometime soon. I gots the software required, and I think I've decided on a game to do first, all i need now is to find a mic. I might have to buy a new one off Amazon if I can't find one around the house.

Other than that there isn't much to say.

I feel like listing a few pet peeves, so I'll do so now.

1. When people do not capitalize proper nouns.

This is my biggest pet peeve. I can let it slide if it's just some dude on the webs with poor grammar overall, but when they do this on national TV it is out of hand.

2. A few very specific English mistakes that bug me for some reason.

Among these are:

-Saying "could care less" rather than "couldn't care less

-Saying 'dead as a doorknob" instead of "doornail"

-Pronouncing "cavalry" as "calvary"

Removed third one. I think I was probably correct, but I don't want to evoke another one of my pet peeves by claiming that people are doing something wrong unless I'm absolutely sure that this is the case. So playing it safe.

Well i just had to vent that.

I'll have you know my list of pet peeves could go on for pages. I've thought of compiling a list and posting it all at once, but I think I'll do this instead: Post a few with each update.

Well that is all I've to say.



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