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As I said before, I love this build. It's much much sleeker than the original- I must say (as I did before) that it feels very "nuva"- as how the Toa Mata were very rough, steampunkish with exposed pistons and gears everywhere, while the Toa Nuva were sleeker, smoother, cleaner.

It's very much similar to the original, but admittedly executed much better. You've improved on most everything- but I did notice that several sections were left completely untouched, and I take that as a sort of compliment, that I did well there.

I love how you did the uppermost section of the legs, closest to the chassis- It has a similar indentation to the original but, as with most else, much sleeker.

Sleek. That is the best word to describe it.

I also noticed that you had reinforced the joint that connects the top of the leg to the slider-thing, that's good. I worry how stable this would be IRL, if it is held together tight enough to support it's own weight, and every little bit helps in that regard. I could do with reinforcing that joint on mine.

The chassis itself is of particular note. I'll fully admit that the original was a complete mess in this area- I had much difficulty with it, and it ended with an awkward assembly that I am not proud of... this one's done better, to say the least.

The inside of it is impressive as well, very clean, very... usable. The monitor is a nice touch.

I kind of miss that grey-and-yellow stripes on the sides, but it's a minor loss. At least they are kept, in small amount, on the front and back. Thanks.

Speaking of color, I noticed there is quite a bit less yellow in this than there was originally, but it is much more deliberately placed. I probably went overboard on the yellow in mine.

The added detail on the front is stellar, as is the enlarged engine on the back. The dish looks nice too.

One minor concern- on the inside, there is a one-tile gap just above the piece that connects the levers to the wall... was this intentional or just an oversight?

Very well done.

This has made me happy.

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One minor concern- on the inside, there is a one-tile gap just above the piece that connects the levers to the wall... was this intentional or just an oversight?

It was an oversight that I noticed after I completed the transparent layer. I updated it in the .lxf file before I made the blog. I decided not to correct it in the render, as the error was apparent behind the transparency distortion, and it had already taken several hours for the image to render.

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Is there a reason the image is opened in a new tab twice when I click it?


So pretty..... I want one... I want to drive one around...

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