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Brain dumping ground

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The blog of typo ridden non sence and bad ideas.

Entries in this blog

How to use papa Louie: When pizzas attack to teach your child important values

http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/flipline-studios-espanol/images/1/17/Papa_Louie2.png/revision/latest?cb=20131023044137&path-prefix=es Papa Louie: When pizzas attack is a great family game, both my son and I talk is game. My son even asked me to give him Papa Louie: When pizzas attack plush dolls as presents and rewards. It brings us through the entire range of human emotion – it makes us laugh, cry, scared, excited, hopeful; and it gives us a real sense of adventure. On top o



How minifigures see the world

Minifigures are poor defenceless creatures that only live to build. It's the one thing they know. They live in a world where the only places they can build are flat planes, which are few and far between. The horrible world they live in is filled with savage giants, completely disregarding the poor minifigures. They even move and destroy their creations that they've worked so hard on.     But the only places that can provide them with building space are within the giants' fort




It's fair time. When fair is gver, I'll make a proper BDG Post. Just not enough time right now. But, that's not important.   It was the first night of fair. Everyone was tired. None of the advisors for the sheep barn were there. I needed a place to sit. We barely were able to get both sheep in a stall. I went to sign up for herdsmenship for the next day. On the coark board was the worst poster I've ever seen.      Because children can only communicate with hashtags



Security blanket

Here, have a bootleg!     Around six years ago, I made a driver in Lego racers. His name was Oil. At the time, I had a lot of trouble playing the game. I don't know what it was about this racer I made, but I liked him. I started a circuit (I thought it said carecut when I was seven) against redbeard. For the first time ever, I won the carecut. I moved on to the next champion. It felt amazing. I then beat king kahuka the next day. Flash forward 3 months. I was playing with Lego at



An introduction

Welcome to my blog. I think a lot. Most of the thinking I do is garbage. My brain fills with garbage, leaving no room for good thoughts. So I've made this blog to dump out thoughts that have invaded my brain for far too long. Also it's one a.m. and I'm starting to question my life choices. So that's not good. As it is one a.m., my brain has decided to stop thinking. Crap. What now? 



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