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RRU Gaming

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  • McJobless 16
  • Zephyria 11
  • STUDZ 4

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Entries in this blog

WarZ - A Problem

if you're any self-respecting gamer, you would of heard of the hugely popular DayZ mod for ARMAII. That's cool and all, but with the ARMAII engine's limitations, why make it a mod? Why not have it as a standalone game? That's what the creators of WarZ were thinking when they came up with the idea for WarZ, essentially a ripoff of DayZ. It was meant to be a brilliant, indie game with RPG elements, focused on the zombies, but that didn't exactly happen, and a bit of controversy has since been cook



Kicking off Our Top 10 of the Year...

Kicking off our Top 10 of 2012. Ben and I have been talking about doing this for a while now. So I welcome you, one and all! Zephyria and Extreme's top 10s of 2012! Our first game is one that we both can agree is freaking amazing. It's the one of the only AAA titles this year to actually be a new IP, rather than a sequel. It's about the Empress' Bodyguard, his fall from grace and subsequent hunt for those that dishonored him. Yes...it is... God...what can I say about this game?



A "New Vision" for an old game

You know, ever since I got my new laptop, I've been playing ALL the games that my old one was unable to play. Deus Ex being one of them (Don't laugh, alright, my old laptop was a pile of fetid donkey manure) So I downloaded Deus Ex from the GoG yesterday, and I was hit by how...bad it looked. I'm not even sure it looked good when it first came out, running on a 2 year old engine. (The original Unreal Engine, if I recall) Seriously, look at this. So, as you can imagine, I went in sea



EA Gets Booted From NASDAQ-100

Let's face it guys, nobody here likes EA that much. Despite owning the licenses to some truly amazing games, we've all seen how greed has ruined such franchises. And naturally, it wouldn't be just this site that is hating on them. All around the internet, they have quite the negative reputation. Well, it seems this reputation has come back to bite them on the arse, as the NASDAQ, a leading stock market, has pulled them from their NASDAQ-100 list, alongside RIM and NetFlix. Now, that doesn't



Steam Box Confirmed

Hey, you guys remember when everybody made those hilarious rumours about Valve releasing it's own console? Well, they weren't kidding. Gabe Newell has confirmed the release of "Steam Box" will be sometime in 2013. Supposedly, the device will essentially be a Steam-based PC for the TV, running with Big Picture support. If you haven't been watching Steam recently, you'll have missed a significant amount of updates to Valve's Source games, allowing controller support to work with Big Picture,



Video Game Timeline Created... Not What You Think

This is old news, but I don't think many of you have heard of this before. Some guy who's dedicated his entire life to Video games, it seems, has created a timeline of most video games ever made. Like, when each game takes place. He starts out with TMNT Turtles in Time at 2,500,000, and ends with the War Hammer 40k games...guess the year. There's currently over 1,000 games on the timeline right now, go check it out Here This was all done by one guy, by the name of "Alex".



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