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The mistakes of "Art Battle" and "RRU Tower"

For the past few weeks (well, it WAS  a few weeks when I initially wrote this. I've come back to it a year or two later to fix it up and publish it), I've been thinking about Art Battle and RRU Tower, specifically thinking about why those threads fell apart/flopped. I know both AB and RT are dead, and most members involved in either threads are barely active on this forum, but still I'd like to provide my thoughts about why both of them might've failed and what would need to be changed/fixe



LEGO Alpha Team intro except no effort went into it

Hullo,   Initially, I planned to post this as an "April Fools" video, where I joke about making an "720p version of the LEGO Alpha Team intro" except the end result is poorly drawn and so poorly edited you can literally see that half of the intro was recorded in GIMP. The only reason I'm not bothering to disguise it as an "April Fools" video is because... well   ...this video ain't fooling nobody. It's more of a parody of the intro instead of something you can trick your



[PICTURE HEAVY (sorta)] "Zilch Raiders" - Catch-up blog

Hullo again.   So, a few years back, I tried to make a Rock Raiders comic series (named "Rock Raiders know zilch", a title which was explained using the smallest Calvin & Hobbes strip available on the internet) in an attempt to one-up Arthuriel's excellent "Insane Raiders" series (which, due to my minimal sense of humour, didn't work well). Considering the fact I've only made 2 blog posts about "Rock Raiders know zilch" so far, it's pretty clear that I haven't followed up on m



Aaaaaaand we're back!

Huzzah! RRU is back (but not quite, but hey its back, yet not entirely). So yeah, its nice to be back. I'm currently drafting a blog post containing most of the fun stuff I've made during RRU's absence, but I decided this little gem deserves it own blog (actually, I'm just posting it because that's one less thing to post for the next blog). So tell me, fellow Rock Raider...     What is Rock? Landslides don't hurt me... ...don't hurt me... ...no more..



"Behind the Virtual camera" - The shenangians beyond my renders

Hullo all,   Over the past couple of months, I've been looking at my past LEGO Source Filmmaker renders and discovering how untidy or buggy it has become over the past year. So today I thought I'd put together a collection of pictures/screenshots, all based on strange behind-the-scenes stuff and bugs that have plagued my past renders. So here we go!   "Blended Minifigures" Everytime @Xiron updates his pack of SFM/GMod minifigs (even if the model's rig isn't edited),



Ben tries out the HTC Vive - (Finally!)

Over the past week, I attended a course for Animation/Visual Effects, expecting to... well... make an animated project. And while that did happen, something else occurred during that week that took me off guard:   The appearance of the Vive wasn't hinted at or briefly mentioned beforehand, so you can imagine my surprise. And luckily, they set up the headset for people to use whenever they needed/wanted a break, which of course meant I tried it out whenever I could (approximately t



Ben24x7 tries out the Playstation VR, twice

So recently, a relative of mine spotted that my local GAME(TM) store was allowing people to try out the Playstation VR Headset for 10 or 30 minutes. Despite the CEX Vive tryout "fiasco" I underwent a month or two ago, I felt that now was the time to get my first taste of roomscale VR. So to pass the hour 'till my train left for home, I dished out fifteen quid and within three minutes I slipped on the sleek white goggles...   ...but I know some people don't have the time to read all of



TeeVee Raiders United?

So RRU has reset, causing people to re-post the stuff they have lost in the event...   ...if this happens again in the next two weeks, and then a week or two after that, RRU's subtitle should be turned into "Tee Vee here, at your service".



The truth about how to be great content creation

There are a decent number of spam blog posts here on RRU. 'The truth about how to be great content-marketing' is one of those articles. The truth is, the key to content creation is to steal other people's work. For some people, ideas are created from the heart or the deepest parts of the creator's mind. For others, ideas are the 20 floor extension to what was a well constructed house. Here are some other truths about creation creating all creators should create. You don't need an origi



Ben reviews 'Ratchet & Clank' - The movie, not the game

In recent times, a family member encouraged me to use the last of our free cinema tickets before they expired. After some consideration, I took the opportunity to watch 'Ratchet & Clank', in order to see what the movie industry could do with recreating a single game, rather than a movie about games overall...   Before I begin, I ought to clarify something important: I've never played or experienced a Ratchet & Clank game. You are probably thinking "Ben, seriously? You are



You can't read this...

...that is to say, 'you cannot read this unless you highlight, adjust your screen's brightness/contrast, have good eyesight, are le717, or copy this text onto a white background'.   And yes, this post was made to practically waste your time.



A deep talk to CleverBot

In a fit of boredom, I went and had a conversation to CleverBot and, as a joke, asked her to say 'Cake'. It listed random jargon the internet had been feeding it, but when I asked it about the internet feeding it junk, the conversation became deep,and it felt like a movie script;  



I'm baaaaaaack!

So, after spending a day or two moving house and a mere week without internet... *grabs bottle of whiskey*   ...what did I miss?



I'm running a stream and I need viewer input

I know that, at this moment of time, most of the members in the US will be asleep, but could at least someone give me a suggestion for my mapping stream? You'll find the stream here; http://www.twitch.tv/fred_cop   And, yes, I'm getting desperate.



Ben24x7 attempts Time Travel using a Blog Entry

Cirevam, or was it Grapheme, previously posted a topic which came from years into the future. Whilst, as a member of RRU, no such ability exsists...   ...but I think I can do it in a Blog. If this works, welcome to the Blog Post From The Future(TM)... If this doesn't, damn it.   Eh, this is close enough;  



Ben24x7's Birthday Loot (26/07/2015)

I've noticed people do this before, wether it'd be their birthday, Christmas, or any other special occasion, so when my birthday passed yesterday (at time of writing) I thought I'd give it ago. Do note however I don't have pictures like others do, but I swear what I'm listing is true. Here goes;   Recived (physically); - Four cards (two containing money), Three received from family members from abroad (and by abroad I mean literally right beside Scotland) and one from a friend of my mother's.



Shameless insignificant(ish) notice: Currently selling #6950 (Under a Day left for bids)

I've recently decided to sell some LEGO, and have put up two sets for sale on eBay (one of which has currently been purchased), but before I begin I must point out that the set currency of the pricing is in UK Pounds and Pence, which won't help since I'm guessing most members on RRU are not in the UK, and if it's true, I dearly apologise.   "LEGO #6950 - Classic Space - Mobile Rocket Transport"     For people wondering why "LEGO City - The Mine" is off this list is because it just got sold



RRU is evolving...

It seems every time I go onto RRU's front page nowadays, in the topics and new topics section, I see at least one or more reading "I need help getting ___________". I'm not saying it's a bad thing to respond to these topics, but do you what this is turning RRU into?   A help desk.   A frickin' help desk, and I don't think that's what RRU really ought to be, although I'm not quite clear what RRU should be like. if you have the time (and wish to, I ain't forcing you) respond to the poll above



Ben realises an insignificant link between the Infomaniac and a YTP of Michael Rosen

As unfortunate as it is, I've gotten back into Michael Rosen, mainly YTPs of him as usual, and I found one named "Michael Rosen stops celebrating 25 years of seizures". Its just a stupid fiesta of random out-bursts of song, insignificant amounts of sentence mixing, and so forth. But the reason why I bring this up, is that I couldn't help noticing the bit at 1:21, where Michael shuts an "invisible door" only to crash while emitting a *BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR*; https://youtu.be/1uhwh8



How to (momentarily) hate LEGO Worlds

1. Play LEGO Worlds on a computer not built with Gaming in mind (a Mac with VMWare Fusion will do) 2. Play and enjoy the game until June 3rd comes around 3. Realise there is a game update, ignore it 4. Go onto the game, take a couple of screenshots or explore or something 5. Try and see what the game is like with Motion Blur on 6. Restart the game 7. Encounter LARGE amounts of like (nearly One frame every Two seconds) 8. Adjust the Video and Effect settings to the lowest possible 9. Rest



Blogs up

This is possibly the first ever Post made using the possibly-new(?) additional Blog option in the newly updated Rock Raiders United.   I'm off to get a coffee...



A simple mistake in creating game levels

In this blog, I'll be listing a problem in game design and how to (possibly) fix it. So, without further ado, let's begin; Areas the player gets stuck in By "player gets stuck" I don't mean a hard or complicated puzzle, I mean areas where the player can't get out of. These can come in simple forms like, for example, an empty pit with no way out, unless your players remember you included a 'Restart' button, which breaks the feeling of immersion. To find out if your game has any



The "secret" of how to make an RRU Fad

1. Create an account 2. Create a blog containing a bunch of random words and jargon that'll make sense to everyone who reads it 3. Watch as people parody your blog 4. Realise some people hate you, your blog posts and your guts 5. Hope for the Fad to end, only to realise that the Fad will be hung over your head no matter how hard you try and forget it 6. Start questioning if you are Human 7. Find that you only exist to irritate and bug people with unreliable blog posts 8. Suicide



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