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Ace's blog of Artistry, and Photography

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A blog of photography, writings, and artistic actions.

Entries in this blog

The Computer Update Blorg

So I am currently in the process of updating my computer, and after the recent drama I figured a computer blorg would be fun. Several friends (Alcom, @noghiri, and an IRL friend) have helped me compile a computer parts list to make a long lasting and powerful computer (that can handle VR), with enough storage to last me for forever (or at least 'till I use up 3TBs) here's my final part list, if anyone wants to check it out.   Linkage:  http://pcpartpicker.com/list/BFCx6X   I

The Ace Railgun

The Ace Railgun

Conlang Blog (Hatsui Language)

Lately I've been working on a language I've dubbed Hatsui, which translates to summer, It is literally called the Summer language, or Language of Summer. It will be spoken by a people who speak a different language each season, Harvest (similar to Autumn), Summer, and Waterrise (similar to Spring). Each language will have similarly designed characters, but with different styles, to be similar to what the people experience in each season.   I haven't fully fleshed out the Conwolrd, thou

The Ace Railgun

The Ace Railgun

Thu'll Number System and College Finals

Well, I finally had the time to scan what I had of the counting system for Thu'll, and it's Final exam/project time here in the US (for those at college) so i've been working on that too. For my Sound Design class we had to completely mute a clip and replace all the sound using various pre made clips and foaly clips(making our own sounds). My current timeline: (that long downward line is all sword strikes ) Which was pretty fun, then for my Lightwave 1 class we had to model

The Ace Railgun

The Ace Railgun

Thu'll 3rd and 4th Character Sets

Well it's not finalized, about 90% of these sets are finished, but I thought I'd share my progress on it anyway. Also, I just thought i'd mention to my actors in ProjectHane that they will have to at least practice their pronunciation in Thu'll, as this is the language that will spoke throughout a majority of the series. Once the dictionary has been completed I will be creating a pronunciation guide, and will try to make it as helpful as I can. Thu'll 3rd and 4th character sets

The Ace Railgun

The Ace Railgun

The Wonderful World of AMVs, and MADs

AMVs, or Animation(Anime)MusicVideos started out as a cult back in 1982, and the very first AMV was created using a very violent clip from the anime Space Battleship Yamato mixed with the Beetle's song "All You Need is Love". There are 3 types of AMVs/MAD (MusicArtDance) Beat sync - AMVs that sync the motion of the music to the these make up a majority of AMVs Lyrical sync - They pick clips from one or more shows and sync them to the lyric of their song of choice Mood sync -

The Ace Railgun

The Ace Railgun

Thu'll Language concept (Part 2 Fur'Dae)

Another set of characters for the Thu'll language has been completed! (sort of) This is the second level of Thu'll characters also known as Fur'Dae. I wanted to focus on making the characters and sounds more complex, yet keep the same flowing nature of the Dur'Dae (First set). The blotched out characters are ones I didn't like, and the ones that are still in pencil are ones that I'm still not sure about.

The Ace Railgun

The Ace Railgun

A Language concept (Thu'll V2)

I created this language during my spare time between classes, It's still a concept so more characters will be added and some changed. When I started this language I wanted to experiment with different combinations of sounds in a single character such as "tchet" (pronounced "cheht") or "suhe" (pronounced "shueh"). The first set of characters are called the Dur"Dae (Base) characters, and unfortunately my English handwriting is not at it's best. Probably due to the fact that I don't use it that muc

The Ace Railgun

The Ace Railgun

First "Real" entry...

Ok I really had no idea what to call it so there you go... Q.Q Anywho I was experimenting on Inkscape, Gimp, and Picasa for a class project and came up with this wallpaper. Now the writing below the quote is D'ni and translates to Kerath the Great. I am also doing some Myst based artwork for my art class and a lego (specifically Bionicle) stop-motion type video. There won't really be any logical story to it but it will have a story...somewhat...Okay maybe it's just an air battle between Makuta a

The Ace Railgun

The Ace Railgun

Introduction and prologue

Shorah! (A greeting in D'ni), Konichi'wa! Well I have decided to start a blog. This will be a first for me since I am not usually much of a blogger but here in this blog I plan to post photographs I have taken in class, any Video Editing or Animating projects, and Novel ideas to share with the RRU gang. I hope to get some good feedback from you guys. I almost forgot the most important thing I am going to share I mean what is a blog on a Lego site with out Legos? I'll also just simply post ran

The Ace Railgun

The Ace Railgun

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