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A place to unleash my rants/rage....

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I'm baaach

Err, I mean back...dam you SPELLCHECK, well it didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would but life has settled down. Lots of things have changed too, I've got an official start date for transitioning, which'll be in about a month, final projects have started and I've got something like a script worked out for the Anime project that I'm going to start typing up this month, as well as the layout for the story boards which I'll start printing off this month as well. I watched an anime c

The Ace Railgun

The Ace Railgun

Post Your LEGO Libraries - TheAceRailgun Part 1 (My apartment collection)

Just thought i'd pop on and share my current LEGO collection since everyone else is doing so. That bag behind the Hobbit hole set is a Y-wing, then I also have a special edition Rocket minifig from Toys R US, a gold minifig keychain, a chewbaca keychain and an Indiana Jone keychain. And the tub that says LEGO is full of minifigures. I also have 3 sizes of the Slave 1 And here are some more sets. The Ghostbuster set, the Exo-Suit, the VW van, Falling water, and a Minecraft The

The Ace Railgun

The Ace Railgun

Conlang #6 Zh'u

Just thought i'd pop in and share what i've been working on. I've pretty much refined my language making method with my latest Conlang: Zh'u. It's much simpler than Thu'll and the character designs where loosely based off the Arabic script. I've also gotten started on making a dictionary for this language so that it can actually be spoken. The dictionary is about .1% complete, i'll post it when it's finished.

The Ace Railgun

The Ace Railgun

A Temporary Farewell

Well I think it's time for me to move on, time to look past RRU, it's been a good 1 9/10ths years here, and I've had loads of fun. But I'm currently in a rather bumpy part sector of my life, in a few months I'll be starting HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) so I'll have to find my self again, and I'll be rid of my boyish appearance in 1-2 years. But I feel that it'd be better for me to transition free of distractions, as I'll also be taking on my internship during the same summer I start hormone

The Ace Railgun

The Ace Railgun

Life Sure Likes to Rock and Roll

Life, is a trip, it can fun, scary, and sad, or a number of the other emotions we humans can output. Right now, my life stressful, school work, especially film school work, is difficult yet fun and there is a hell of a lot of information to absorb in one semester. Doctors appointments, and the health of my body also add to my stress. In total I see about 10-12 different doctors each year for various little things. I have an eye doc, an ear doc, a spine doc, etc, my body has a tendency of turning

The Ace Railgun

The Ace Railgun

An Infomaniac Has Been Found

Well I dug around my old box of minifigs and found my Infomaniac fig. I have no clue what set he's from but I have him along with Pepper, the original Brickster, and one or more of the Birckolinis somewhere. I put him on the plate just to help stabilize him for the photo So, anybody know where he's from?

The Ace Railgun

The Ace Railgun

Blarg: Phone edition

So, Studz wanted to see my phone...yeah, here's a blarg, I am using a Fujitsu F02-D Cellphone from Japan. Side: Smartphone mode: Flip mode: Phone closed:

The Ace Railgun

The Ace Railgun

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