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Trian Gular Ramblings

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6 billion names

That is how many alternate JimbobJeffers mathematically exist. The evening of 13 November, Yajmo was joking how should have some code randomize the spelling of his name, with a new spelling appearing upon every page load. Since such a task would be best accomplished client-side using JavaScript, I wrote up some code that did just that, available at gist.github.com/le717/4c2188ca814f56575a26. The above code loops through each character of the entered name, randomly picks a letter and



I Do Not Agree: The aidenpons Waffle EULA

It's been a while since my last post in this series, so I thought I'd write one. In this post, I will explore why I do not agree to The aidenpons Waffle EULA, created by aidenpons. Let's break this down and see why I do not agree to this Waffle EULA, shall we? It is disguised as a "Fun Fact". Deceptive marketing. I had no idea a single digital waffle could usurp kings and be a murderer. "reverse decompiling" Since decompiling means to reverse a process as a way to reach the o



Colorful Raiders

You don't want me to have fun changing a site's CSS to make everything the same color (aidenpons). You end up with all this. Because aidenpons begged so much to know how I did all this so quickly, here is the template to follow. * { background: #fff !important; color: #000 !important; } Notes: * is known as the universal selector. It selects all elements in a page. Use of the universal selector is discouraged because it can be



Three landslide prevention mistakes to avoid

It's safe to say that landslides occurring aren't just a fad. They're here to stay. Many are calling them the new frontier of the disaster world. With each passing year more and more Chief's are finally convinced that it's time to give landslide prevention a try. But as is always the case when launching a mining plan in a new channel, there are many pitfalls that Chief is unaware of. Because landslide prevention encompasses so many different channels, the number of possible mistakes are huge. No



Sandwich marketing: Be proactive

Imagine if you will that someone has stolen your sandwich. How would you like to have prevented it? In the first scenario, Chief notices some suspicious behavior from a fellow Rock Raider and teleports you safely aboard the L.M.S Explorer and asks to watch out for this Rock Raider. The crime is suspected early on and never occurs. In the second scenario, you only become aware of the stolen sandwich several minutes later when you open your sandwich bag. You drop whatever you were doing and stubbo



Letter to Microsoft from the UK Government

Dear Our Beloved Microsoft, We have lots of money (no not really. We are broke, but we will act like we do by raising taxes again). Would you be a dear and extend personal Windows XP support to us, please? We were lazy and choose not to upgrade our 64,000 computers running Windows XP and ignored the fact you were discontinuing the 12 year old operating system until the last minute! We need you to extend support to us so we can take a full year to upgrade "most" of the machines to Windo



Oh, spam messages...

Spam (sometimes known as junk) email, comments, tweets, posts, messages, phone calls, text messages, SMS messages, mail, they are a universal annoyance. From the janitor at your school to a high-seated official, everybody gets and hates spammy junk messages. Further more, with ever-increasing computer power and the rise of programming being taught practically every where you turn, more spam bots thus more spam messages will continue to be sent in all forms of media. Spam also comes in many varit



Am I Late for Halloween?

Am I too late for trick-or treating? It's only 9 PM! Surely people still have candy! Sorry I wasn't here sooner but I didn't know what to dress up. I finally figured it out though, so I'm here! Give me candy! I hate Rocks! Let the party start! P.S. I do not participate in Halloween, but I seen no harm in dressing up… as long as it is decent, proper, and in moderation. ;P



And you think LEGO Friends is bad?

Then what I've got to show you makes even LEGO Friends look sophisticated! WARNING! THIS BLOG POST MAY HAVE SIDE-EFFECTS ON THE READER, SUCH AS EMBARRASSMENT, RAGE, LIFE-LONG SCARS, OR ACTIONS YOU MAY REGRET LATER ON. You have been warned. 2 days ago, rioforce was trying to find a set number so he could try to build a set that is in the big collection of bricks he bought the other month. He found it, but also found a brick that had the same number as the set. Nothing unusual, it hap



The Man From Rumble

There once was a man from Rumble, Who always liked to grumble. Once day, the man tripped, and made such a Flumble. "Grumble!" The man mumbled, "That Flumble made me tumble!" Oh, hi Flumble! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I came up with this poem in the SBox a few minutes ago, and I wanted to give it a more permanent home. Feel free to not comment on this. ;



I'm Singing!

I cannot sing. I cannot hit any certain notes, nor can I stay in one place. I can only carry a tune. However, that does not stop me from singing. I like to sing, despite my non-singing voice. With this thought in mind, and the quote from Buddy the Elf, I am going to sing you a song. It is set to the tune of Jingle Bells. Now, without futher ago, I shall sing to you, the LEGO Island Song. LEGO Island is mine! LEGO Island is mine! LEGO Island is mine today!



LEGO Racers 1999 Box and Manual Scans

As a departure from my recent posts about the early morning movies and EULAs, I'd thought I'd show off some stuff that actually relates to LEGO. LEGO Racers, to be more precise. Since I received my 1999 release of LEGO Racers in the mail in May 2012 (I'm sure you remember that ordeal), I have been trying to scan the inserts, box, manuals, and the jewel-case. I scanned them once with our Kodak MFP, but I redid did them with our flatbed scanner two months ago. I have finally gotten aroun



I Do Not Agree - Round 2

And we're back for another episode of "I Don't Agree To The EULA"! Let's meet today's game: LEGO® Batman™ 2: DC Super Heroes Let's cut right to the chase and read the WB Games EULA, shall we? (A copy is located under EULA.rtf) So, what does all this mean? I cannot sell the game to anyone else (if anyone wants it, they must buy it from the store, not me or eBay or Amazon). I cannot mod the game. I cannot extact the .dat files and see what is in them, nor can



I Do Not Agree

When you download a program, you usually have to accept the EULA, and if you don't you can't use the software. The EULA terms vary tremendously, ranging from "This software is free; use it as you like" to an open-source licence (like the GPL), to a giant "PLEASE READ THIS LICENSE CAREFULLY" agreement. Eventually, you'll just start clicking "I agree" out of habit, much like when using Windows Vista with UAC turned on. Every now and then when I'm board, I will get out the manual to one of my



Let Me Tell You About That Pipe...

So, on Friday, I was making a LDD model of an MOC. Everything was working just fine. I was able to find all the bricks, I got all the correct colors, and it was almost done. The only thing left were the corrugated flexible pipes. After a quick hunt for the pipe, I added it to my model. But I needed to bend to pipe to connect the other end. So I pressed the Flex Tool. Did I mention that this was the first time I have used the Flex Tool? So this was a new experience for me. I clicked the



Ah Metadata...

Metadata is wonderful. It helps us know what are songs are, what bitrate our videos are, and the titles of both video and audio, as well as other things which I cannot name right now. But metadata can also be used against someone and something company. I was converting the Racers 2 music to put on my mp3 player the other day (since they are just .wav files after all). And what I found in the metadata of every last one of them was very suprising. I, and many other people, would ass



Recording With Gregion For Dummies!

For those of you who don't have Fraps (like me), and you want to record game videos, you can now read my tutorial on how to use Gregion! I'm not going to say much, it's all in the tutorial. Yes, it's not perfect (and neither is the tutorial), but I use it all the time. NOTE: It will not record LR1, and thus, LRR. I've tried on LR1, and it will not pick it up. I've found Gregion records DX8 and up only, as well as OpenGL. http://triangle717.w...egion-tutorial/\ Any questions s



I Am Confused...

Confused, Confused, Confused. I'm not sure if many of you have seen JrMasterModelBuilder's YouTube video showing him racing as Rocket Racer's car in LR2. If you haven't, than watch it before you read anymore. http://youtu.be/vsLFAGBnI54 Anyway, with that video and Jamesster's recent thread that showed him texture swapping (which was based off the above video), I am thinking that I might be possible to swap not only my car with RR's but also someone else's car too. I am not very fa



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