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Apparently I Need to Fire Myself




Ohboy. It's Spam Message of the Day time. I removed the link at the end, since I sure as hell don't trust it.

MESSAGE TITLE: Why you should fire your boss

Hey there,

Ezekiel here again.

I want to PROVE to you why my Forex 3-day webinar on 9th, 10th & 11th April 2014 is going to be life-changing.

My goal? You quit your job, if you have one… and work for yourself.

I don’t know why people even put up with having their future and their family’s future determined by someone ELSE.

There are FAR too many hard-working folks who spend years working for bosses who don’t appreciate them. And or what… just to earn low pay that barely covers their bills?

Believe me, there’s a way to live life on YOUR terms. It’s a way to have all the money you need, where you can work when you want, where you want, and enjoy all the free time you want.

You can spend more time with your kids, play golf every day, and really enjoy your life. No more alarm clock, no more bosses, no more stress about being fired.

Does this sound like something you’d like to do?

Well, if so, you need to make sure you keep an eye out for my next email because the webinar page will be live, so you can sign up.

Remember, on 9th, 10th & 11th April 2014, I’m putting all the secrets I’ve learned over the years into a 3-day live webinar.

This information-packed LIVE webinar reveals the secrets to tapping into the Forex market for consistent cash. If you’re looking to earn a lot of money from the comfort of home… my webinar gives you everything you need.

This is the ONE and only time I’ll reveal my ultimate secret, my ultimate money maker. I’ve never revealed this to the 10 people who attended my last webinar.

It’s the “Holy Grail†because it’s the only system you’ll ever find where it’s impossible to lose money.

Follow my lead as I walk you through the process so you can retire from your job as soon as possible.

You can sit back and relax while I walk you through exactly what I do to make 1% to 5% a day by taking cash out of the ‘hidden’ money-source.

You too can make between 1% to 5% a day or MORE... simply by following my own secret “money maker†which I’ve never revealed to anyone before.

Make sure you keep an eye out for my next email… because we’ll be live and you can sign up for this life-changing event on 9th, 10th & 11th April 2014…

Best Wishes,

Ezekiel Chew

Renowned Forex Fund Manager & Coach

[link removed]

P.S. I want to empower YOU to follow in my footsteps to fast retirement and better life… so get access to the “Holy Grail†of making money in the Forex market!

The next email you get from me will let you take that next step to financial security… so keep an eye out for it!

I've always wanted to go golfing with the kids. Preferably using them as the balls.

Thanks Mr Chew!



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Shepard's response.


Guess he's going to go golfing with Reaper babies.

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I read "Why you should set on fire your boss". :P


Anyway, this dude basically said "leave your job and come work to me". Duh?

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1) This is the ONE and only time I’ll reveal my ultimate secret, my ultimate money maker. I’ve never revealed this to the 10 people who attended my last webinar.


2) You can sit back and relax while I walk you through exactly what I do to make 1% to 5% a day by taking cash out of the ‘hidden’ money-source.

3) You too can make between 1% to 5% a day or MORE... simply by following my own secret “money maker†which I’ve never revealed to anyone before.


1) No, I've never told this to anyone before, not even then 10 people (count then, 10!) people who attended the webinar on the exact same topic last year!!


2) 1% - 5% more a day, huh, perhaps even MORE? Well then, if I make $0, then 0 x 0.05 = 0, meaning I now make 5% more of $0 than I previously did! And if the percentage is even more, then I would make even more money! :D


3) You can tell I'm lying not only from the outrageous claims I am making, I also contradict my self-contradicting statement from earlier in the message!


Honestly, while this may be spam, I think it is less harmful and more :tf:

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I’ve never revealed this to the 10 people who attended my last webinar.

10 people? :o That's far too many. :P


The things people send... or is it spambots sending which just have a default draft and fill in the blanks with the same words? :P

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Does any spammer/scammer know how to make an email that doesn't sound like a spam scam? I think not.


"Ezekiel Chew" is a terrible fake name.

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