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Burnt cookies and frozen donut maker's oficial blog

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Six Californias. Tank you, McStudz.

Thanks to a comment McStudz made, I, the impulse addictgamer that I am, have opted to create a blog following my rant in a status update on the recent proposition to split my state into six states. -------------------- Some of you might claim 50 isn't enough. Some of you may think splitting each of the Hawaiian island into their own states should be our next course of action. And some of you outright believe Scotland is the home of my kitty, Mr Prinzer Fluffypants the third. Beli



Dumping my RR dream here because.

Right kiddies, I want you to listen to this awesome experience I'm archiving here. Last night, I had a recurring dream. And in this dream, were a bunch of rockraiders. It was that one weird level I often end up playing in RR dreams. However, this time, I found several interesting and different things: A) There were two new floor types. The first was a modification of Ice, and the second was some sort of purpley weird rocky? ground. B) There was a big blue crystal/stalagmite growing



A Never Do With Sdl.

the_surface = SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(the_surface); That will cause memory to be lost. It is unrecoverable - a memleak! Everybody's favorite! So ya, you're going to have to do something like this: SDL_Surface *the_surface = null; SDL_Surface *temp_surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, width, height, NPP, 0,0,0,0); the_surface = SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(temp_surface); SDL_FreeSurface(temp_surface); //Free this. Ya, I would have much rather preffered removing the temp_su



Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death

SOPA? GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH! ACTA? GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH! Anti-terrorism policies that deprive me of my rights and freedoms? GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH! Anything else that deprives me of my rights and freedoms? GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH! Suck it, America - Land of the 'Free'.



Everyone, I Am Blarging.

BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARG. Seriously though. Acmex got me addicted to a blarg game, with blarg gameplay, that's like dwarf fortress combined with minecraft combined with RPGWO combined with PINGAS combined with a lunacy bin combined with the mass pinger 9001 combined with a keyboard combined with nuclear authentication disks combined with all normal people ragequitting it because the de



Slight Rant Inspired By Movies

Most movies out there these days are utter garbage that ain't worth my two cents. Sexual themes, unnecessary violence, lots of blood and gore, and cussing every three words. Then I watched Captain America (2011). I can honestly say that's the only movie I've watched recently that does not possess the traits of nearly all movies today. Of course, most 'little kids' movies don't possess these, but they're part of the "rest of all movies today" group




Guess what ORR release 0.0.4 was? That's right, commit 322. Funny how 322 likes to pop up all over the place. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a "322" law of physics or something. Hah, wouldn't that be something? Anyway, ya, mostly pointless blog post. It'd be epic if it were my 322d blog update.



3 Rants

I typoed the blog name. What??? ARGHHHHH. ME NOT HAPPEH ABOUT THAT. Now to find out how to fix the name... 2: Girls. Everybody knows how immodest most girls dress, correct? One major influence of this is the fact that pretty much all the clothes in the women's section are immodest. Wanna dress modestly? It's gonna cost you a lot of time. Idiots. You cloth companies are just making the situation worse. Final Rantdown: Games. I WANNA MAKE MY WORLD SIM. BUT I HAVE ORR TO FINISH



Wait, What Happened? 2011 = The Year Of Mysteries.

What happened? Last year when the entire homeschool got together and placed everybody by grade in large rooms to take their tests. There were a bunch of great people in my class! We had a good time. This time, I found out that the cake isn't the lie. Just sit back and read the story, and all will be revealed. I come back this year, and I'm in a whole different room. Everybody dresses like those indians that were drenched in paint and were weighed down in jewelry of all sorts. Everybody.



What's This?

Dunno. You guys tell me. Spring break started yesterday! * Applause* I have free time to do whatever I want! *Cheers* I am busy during spring break and I have no time for anything! *Silence* Oh well. But hey...I released that one minihaul a bit ago. I'm thinking of following it up with a full game overhaul. I'm sure that's bound to be interesting. If I take on such a project, it'll be when school shuts up and gets out of my life. But hey, if I can't be on



Random Blarg From The Depths Of My Brain.

The number of my days on this planet have increased yet again by one year. One year closer to adulthood, and all it has to offer. But what do I think of this "promotion"? Shall I be content with all of the responsibilities and privileges I gain? Today I am at school, tomorrow I am at work, and the day after tomorrow is a movie! Nay I say, I shall not be content. I do not wish to live out my life and let it be a useless existence. But how. How will I make something meaningful out of the handful o



Hey, Been Surfing The Interwebs Lately?

I have. Here's something that caught my eye: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lego-Rock-Raiders/301355428979 I recall somebody wanting to create a facebook account for RRU. Guess they did it for "plain old" Rock Raiders?



Yo, It's An Update

Well...A lot has happened since my last entry. 1. My main computer had quite a few serious issues and I had to reinstall the OS around 3 times. Most of the hard drive is corrupted and unusable. My most important data is safe, I think. 2. My server lost quite a bit of data, and the old forums are completely gone. The new forums can be found at: http://terraform.getmyip.com/forums 3.A bunch of stuff I can't remember. 4. Windows is acting stupid yet again. I hate windows.



Open Rock Raiders Podcast

Yay! Hopefully this lets you guys know more about Open Rock Raiders, and it might even stimulate interest in the project. Both by the devs, and you, the members. If you guys have any suggestions, both for ORR and the podcast, please post them.



Terraform, my site, now has a domain name

http://terraform.getmyip.com Yes, I finally found a free domain name for my site. It redirects to my ip, which is dynamic, so I have to update the redirect whenever I connect to the internet. My pc isn't on all the time, and I am hosting from my pc, so, this site will be down often. You can visit the backup site here: http://terraform.x10hosting.com If you find any bugs/typos in my site, please do tell me.



New Game

Yes, I have made a new game. Well, I have to program one more thing and it is finished. I call it "Fun ai tests 1." It's a simple thing really, uploading tomorrow... OK, description: 2 stick figures. They walk around. They shoot randomly. They kill each other if they see each other. Yes, more of a simulation since you can only watch them fight.



Me...And my scientific interests...

I have a brain, ok? I use my brain, ok? I am captivated by science. More specifically, these fields: Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Robotics, Hardware Development, Artificial intelligence. I could go into detail in all of these fields, but that would take ages of typing text, so that is the general stuff. Hmm...I guess that's enough for tonight... I may make a large scientific rant tomorrow. If I get that mood.




SO after 2+ hours of searching, I downloaded and installed gcc. Now I am trying to compile virtual world and ORR with it. I will be doing a lot of googling over the net few days Anyways, it's late. I'm going to go hit the sack now.



Back in Spring

I am back in spring. After playing several hours of naval war after naval war, who wouldn't. I'll upload the most epic one, 52 mins, someday It was fun though.



Updates on virtual world

I have rewritten the whole tile system to use a dynamic array. For those of you who are curious, here is something like what I did, only a lot simpler. //this keeps track of the total number of tiles that exist int tile_num; class tile { //data } tile *tiles[]; Now, let's say you want to draw all the tiles //the number of tiles in a row and the next is the number of tiles in a column. These are set when the map is loaded. int tile_num_r; int tile_num_c; void d



Virtual World

Well, I have begun a new game; A freeform rpg with godmode. I am working on this game mainly to test the many ideas of ai I have, doing tile based engines, and multi-player games. Want to see how the start of today's work looked? (tooken half an hour in) Here is the end-of-day screenshot: (tooken 5 minutes ago) Guess what I need to do now as in these next few days. -Get started on server-client code. -Move the player every few frames, not every frame -Write a m




I am learning to use linked lists in my games, and thus have started working on Virtual world to prevent me from getting bored. It is basically a free form rpg, no objectives, just survive. Al I have done is the human class, and started on making the other main creature in the game, the mutant rabbit. Anyway, I would like suggestions on easy to add features that you would like to see in this game. What should the player be able to do? Should he be able to play a




Cornulete, my favorite prejiture I love romanian deserts. Most of my friends also love prejiture... What do you think of them?



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