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I have seen the future and it is cardboard

Today was my first day working for Amazon.   Looking behind the scenes it really hit me how much presence they have in modern society.   Anyway yeah, I have a job at Amazon now. I like it.    I thought i had more to say   I'm exhausted



Of masks and monsters

The skeleton villains in Bionicle 2015 brought with them a cool new collectible: golden masks that were partially transparent. I really liked this, but only four were made. Tahu and Gali got left out. Nevertheless, I was dying to know how these masks were used in the fiction.   As it turned out, these masks represent the golden masks after having power drained by the skeleton enemies. A cool idea, but one that didn't really get used much. One episode of the web animations was dedicated



Thoughts on LEGO Dimensions

So yeah, I was actually looking forward to Dimensions, believe it or not. The absurd price tag was a huge turnoff, but I bit the bullet and bought it anyway. I just finished the game. It wasn't the longest, but considering I played the entire thing straight through with no breaks, I think the length of the game was sufficient. So was it worth the price? Eeeeehhhhhh. I did enjoy it, a lot, while I was playing. But now that it's over I'm really feeling the hole it blew in my bank account. Lookin



Coming Soon

Just a little quick sketch I whipped up to promote a project I'm working on. ARE YOU NOT INTRIGUED? I don't see why you would be. There's nothing about this image to suggest anything intriguing. But I guess that couldn't be helped. Oh sure, I COULD have posted something more informative but where's the fun in that? Also: Sorry I've been slacking, Nog! I'll get back to work I promise!



Sweating the small stuff

Note: I typed up most of this entry over a week or two ago, I've just not posted it for reasons I'll elaborate on in the post itself. Just putting that out there for context. As I type this, I'm lying awake in bed. Unable to sleep. Worrying. Stressing. About what? I might not know. Maybe I do, but I won't say, because whatever it is I can guarantee it's stupid and not worth stressing over. But I do anyway. Why? Because I can't not. I happen to be highly autistic. I try not to let it de



The Fall of the Slender Man

WARNING: OPINIONS INCOMING I just posted this on another forum, and since i took the time to write it up I figured I might as well share it here as well. Here goes. When you were a child, what were you afraid of? The dark? The boogie man? Monsters under your bed? Of course you were, all children are. While your specific fear may have been different, you still feared something. It could be specific, it could be abstract, but it was there. It lurked in shadowy corners, b



Why can't I finish an RPG?

I play an absurd number of RPGs. It's probably my favorite genre. But I can't help but notice that, despite the amount I have played, I have finished very few. A total of 4, in fact. The World Ends With You, The Last Story, Fire Emblem Awakening and Pokemon X. That's it. Now what have I played, but not completed? The first 6 Final Fantasy games The first three Dragon Quest games and DQ9 Every Single Pokemon game Every Single Fire Emblem game All three Mother games Super Mario RPG t



Prime Time

I've always loved Metroid Prime. It's always been one of my favorite games. So you can imagine I was ECSTATIC when I found a copy of Metroid Prime TRILOGY for super cheap at Gamestop recently. ...Some context. There are 3 Prime games. Metroid Prime Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Prime and Echoes are both Gamecube games, and play very similarly. But Corruption is on the Wii and has a unique control scheme. Metroid Prime Trilogy is, as you can guess, a collec



Why I freaking love the Mixels

You may have notice that lately I have become COMPLETELY OBSESSED with LEGO's new Mixels line. Here's why. 1. Cost These sets are VERY cheap. Most decent sets LEGO makes cost upwards of $60, and the cheaper ones are generally pretty boring. But these sets are only $5 each- and for the price, each one is a pretty decent model. I hear about the 'golden ration' a lot in the LEGO community, that when you divide the price by the part count of a set anything under $0.10 per piece is a good



How the SMLC is ACTUALLY constructed.

Hey all, I just finished my own recreation of the Small Mobile Laser Cutter and thought I would share my thoughts on it. First of all here it is: Front Back (EDIT: Just noticed I forgot the yellow "V" plate on the back of the laser. oops.) Both of the models posted on this forum (by PeabodySamn and Oboe Shoes) seemed to assume the teal on the back was a solid mass, but it's actually two seperate pieces that are not attached. So what's so ming blowing about thi



Textures pls

So I decided to go ahead with it, I'm starting to put together a texture pack for Minecraft using the LRR textures. I've been resizing them down to 16x16 and it actually looks surprisingly good. I've still got to edit them to tile vertically but that shouldn't be too hard. Another issue is what goes where. For example, the 'Dirt' texture from LRR makes a crappy MC dirt texture, so I used 'Soil/Cavern Floor' instead. I tried using loose rock for cobblestone but it looks bad, same



It is my birthday and I drew a picture

/u/Radar_OReilly_AMA is my new Reddit account that I just made today so that my reddit cakeday lines up with my IRL one. I intended to post this to reddit to get all of the karma, but, IDK what subreddit to post it in. Probably either /r/gaming, /r/nostalgia or /r/lego. So yeah, as of today I am 18 and legally an adult US citizen. Also Pokemon Origins is out in English so that's cool. Gonna watch it as soon as I get the chance. Yep.



wow such accomplish

It took me FOREVER to get that chain threaded properly but I DID IT. I AM NOW THE MASTER OF ALL CHAINS



Really TT?

So I'm just playing LCU when... Oh? What is this I see? C'MON TT YOU ARE BETTER THAN THIS. THAT TEXTURE DOES NOT GO THERE. And the lights... why use the hinge blocks if they are attached to THE WALL? I AM DISAPPOINTED IN YOU TT.



WTF is this bullcrap?

So recently I was in the toy isle of a local store looking for some cheap Transformers toys (oddly enough I did not find any. The entire store contained not a single transformer. Odd. Though I did find a LEGO set the resembles Optimus Prime). While I did not find what I was there for, I did run into a bunch of toys that were just blew me away (in a bad way.) Let's start with the bird-pocalypse, shall we? I hate angry birds. Despise it. So It appalled me how many toys there w



Biweekly Update #4 - End of School

Today was my last full day of school. Exams are next week, but those don't count. Well what has happened the last two weeks? I'm not sure, really- my mind is clogged from all the things that happened in the last two DAYS. Well, specifically one thing, that being the German comic. I STILL CANNOT FIND THE OTHER HALF AND ITS KILLING ME and I literally cannot think of anything else right now. I wrote this out of obligation but it's lacking in content. Hopefully I will write more once I g



Biweekly Update #3: Things that bug me

Oh, it's been two weeks already? Definitely snuck up on me there. (Guess what? Chrome's spell check insists that "snuck" isn't a word. Chrome user, try it. Type in "snuck" and behold the dreaded red underline.) Ehem. SO. What's new in the life and times of Fush? Well I've bought several DLC maps in FE Awakening. I have the Lost Bloodlines pack and the Smash Brethren pack. I have enough credit left for one more map pack but can't decide on one. Also, as mentioned in my last statu



We have weapons! [MOC]

So remember that "Quadrupedal Mech" I posted a while ago? I said that I wanted to make a spider-tank but since I forgot to give it weapons I made it a 'recon unit' instead? WELL I GAVE IT WEAPONS I deleted the cockpit, leaving the legs intact, and built up from there. The cockpit is now ugly as s*** since I had to make it smaller to fit the guns in there... I can do better, I know, but I was lazy. I'll fix the cockpit eventually. Hopefully. ALSO IT ROTATES NOW.



Biweekly Update #2

Well I want to be the kind of person who, when I say I will do something, I see it through to the end. Still haven't quite gotten there... The point is, I said I would force myself to blog every other friday, so here I go. Surprisingly little has happened in two weeks. Oh wait. Make that, "unsurprisingly." Well what can I say? Well first I think I should mention that I deleted the first update because it kind of got to me... but I'm over it now. Progress o



Writing dialogue

Well I took a walk just before. When I walk, my mind is free to wander. When my mind wanders, I write dialogue. Yeah. As my mind was wandering, writing subconsciously, I thought up a few things that might make for a witty status update. A lot of things, actually. So i thought, hell, this will never fit in a status update. Better blog it. Okay so first of all, it's an emotional scene- scratch that, back up. First of all, I don't want to talk about the plot or



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